Easy like Sunday morning…

These are the faces of dogs who would love to know why I’m bothering them with the iPhone camera before noon on a Sunday:

Easy like Sunday morning: I Still Want More Puppies

At least they don’t mind the constant Lionel Richie references.

Digging the black & white vibe we’ve got going on today? It’s part of the Black & White Sunday blog hop hosted by You Did What With Your WeinerMy Life in Blog Years, and Dachshund Nola. Stop by one of those blogs to link up & join the fun!


Vote for Bella and I’ll stop quoting Grease 2… maybe

Bella has asked me to tell you that she’s participating in the 2nd annual Dogs of Blogville calendar contest. She’d like to snag a spot in the calendar… but to do so, she’ll need your support. I mean, look at this face…

Vote for Bella: I Still Want More Puppies

Let’s do it for our country – our country wants us to.

You can vote for Bella daily at the wonderful Heart Like a Dog blog.

Pretty please? With kibble on top? Otherwise, I’ll be forced to mine Grease 2 for even more quotable lyrics. (Unless that’s your thing, of course… if you’re voting for Bella so that I’ll include more Grease 2 references on the blog, please let me know in the comments. I aim to please.)


Please don’t stop the music…

It’s Friday, which means it’s time for your weekly (except when I’m being a slacker) dose of linky goodness:

  1. First up, this week’s punny pet names: Flea-ba McEntire and Justin Timbersnake. (Bonus pun: I want to hang a sign like this one in my house.)
  2. Sometimes I just want to take the midnight train going anywhere, don’t you?
  3. Maybe that’s how these cats got to Dream Town.
  4. On an unrelated note, I would totally buy tickets to see Downton Abbey’s boy band. (I think they might even outsell ‘N Sync.)
  5. As you can see, I’ve got music on the mind today. Enjoy this clip of Idina Menzel and Taye Diggs stealing my heart for the millionth time.
  6. I love animal odd couples – and as a bonus, this Corgibun story even comes with a musically inspired title. (Corgibuns is now the name of my hypothetical pet-friendly bakery.)
  7. Dogs know how to rock out.
  8. Did you happen to see Stephen Colbert’s “Get Lucky” video? If this clip doesn’t make you smile, I’m not sure I want to know you.

Speaking of songs that I couldn’t escape this summer…


Sorry… I couldn’t resist.

Anyway, for all of your music-related needs, I highly recommend that you visit Wesley Ryan’s Music Hub. This blog is written by a dear friend of mine, who has been my musical guru for years. (He also shares my love of misheard lyrics, things that make it rain on my facepop culture, and… well, everything really.)

In case you missed it, here’s what we were up to on the blog this week:

That’s all folks… happy Friday!


Children make terrible pets (and I make terrible puns)

While visiting my in-laws last weekend, I accompanied my sister-in-law on an errand to the teacher supply store. (It was my very own Journey to the Center of Educational Worth.) Have you ever been in one of these places? For my readers who teach, I’m sure it’s old hat. For me, it was like peeking behind the curtain in the Emerald City and seeing the real Wizard of Oz.

I’d never really stopped to consider where all of those bulletin board displays, charts, and classroom signs came from. (Magic? Elves?) Now I know – they come from a store that has every school supply you can imagine, as well as hundreds that you cannot. Continue reading


Wag Libs: If I [blank], feed [blank]

You may already know that I’m a compulsive lyric changer. I adore song parodies. Changing songs has become my own melodic version of Mad Libs.

(Speaking of, how great are Mad Libs?)

Bella Libs: I Still Want More Puppies

Bella is not a fan.

With that in mind, I thought we’d play a little game of Wag Libs today. Tap your inner lyric changer and play along! Continue reading


#K9Kamp: Turn that frown upside down by not sitting around

Today is the last day of this session of K9 Kamp. It’s been fun, so I thought I’d send it off with an appropriate farewell. That’s right, today’s links are fit to be read…

  1. Up first, your punny pet names: Richard Simbones and Dane Fonda. (Alternatives for that last one: Jane Fawnda or Mane Fonda.)
  2. We did a lot of walking this time around. For the next session of K9 Kamp, I hope to step it up a bit. I’ll be taking a cue from some of my fellow Kampers, who came up with great ways to stay fit. Among them? Hiking, skateboarding, weightlifting, superhero training, kayaking, and geocaching.
  3. It’s not just about working out though. Being healthy involves eating right too, which would be much easier if I had a chef like this one helping me out.
  4. I’m feeling nostalgic for Kamp already. Can’t we have a few more days of campfire songs and s’mores (in appropriately-sized portions, of course)? Time to pull out the photos and reminisce.
  5. Even though Kamp is over for now, there will still be mini-challenges each month courtesy of our newest coach. I can’t wait (and I know my squishy core can still use some more work).
  6. I’d still like to put in a formal request that Koly engage in some (videotaped) Prancercise, with or without a John Mayer soundtrack. (Pretty please? I’ll even try to see if I can figure out how Tavish can do the Flo in return.)
  7. On a tangentially related note, today happens to be Take Your Dog to Work Day. I wonder if you could bring your dog to the office gym. (Probably not.)

Finally, I leave you with today’s video. I’m kind of in love with it – it makes me want to finally learn how to edit a decent video and come up with something amazing for the next session of K9 Kamp.

Even though this session of Kamp has come to an end, you can still enter to win an awesome grand prize package until Tuesday, June 25. Go check it out!

Finally, here’s what we were up to on the blog this week:

Will you be working out with your dog this weekend?


A fairy tail ending…

It’s time for your No Frown Friday link roundup – let’s get to it!

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Snow Bite and Finderella (for a fish, of course).
  2. Speaking of puns, this link has superhero dog puns for days. It’s glorious.
  3. Fairy tales are on my mind this week thanks to this wonderful post: Six Fairy Tales for the Modern Woman. (I rarely say this, but even the comments are worth reading. The whole page is full of win.)
  4. What say you, Feminist Taylor Swift? Sounds right up your alley. Sing it, sister.
  5. In other fairy tale-type news, I’m intrigued by this story.
  6. I like my princesses sassy and not focused solely on finding a prince. (Listen closely, Mr. Mouse.) Too many frogs out there anyway, am I right?
  7. If you do find yourself surrounded by frogs, just shake it off. It’ll be okay.

    Shake it off.

    via giphy.com

  8. Anyway… I’m sorry, Dog Mario, but your princess is in another castle. Again. Feel like you’ve made a huge mistake? Perhaps you should just relax on the porch and just let her rescue herself.
  9. Maybe it’s better to be Queen instead. Or maybe it’s more fun to be a villain? Either way, I’m sure that whatever you choose, it’ll be just peachy.

In any event, enjoy your quest. Bonus points if you look this cute while doing it:

Finally, I thought I’d do a quick roundup of what’s been happening on the blog this week. So, in case you missed it:

Have a great weekend!


A night at the Pupsbury

I’m in a musical mood this week. On Sunday, I had the pleasure of seeing Tristan Prettyman and Anya Marina in concert. Are you a fan? You should be. For real. (They each have many fantastic songs, but one treat we got at the live show was the two of them taking the stage together to sing this funny song about Lindsey Lohan. It’s been stuck in my head ever since, along with many of the other tunes.)

My friend M is a fan, and she got me addicted. Now it’s my turn to pass that addiction on to you. Use it wisely.

Anyway, in spite of the fact that we set the clocks forward an hour and I’m still adjusting to the schedule change, I’ve been feeling pretty good this week. (As an aside, I love Daylight Savings time and welcome it with open arms. I wish that we just stayed on DST all year.) I think it’s because I’ve been starting each morning off with fantastic tunes. Music soothes the savage beast, right? I guess it soothes me too.

Although the video below does not contain one of the songs I use to pump myself up in the morning, it’s possible that I do look something like this dog to colleagues who happen to pass by my door in the early morning hours…

If that song is now stuck in your head, I apologize. Go discover some new Tristan and Anya tunes instead. (See, I’m such a pusher!)


National Grammar Day has gone to the dogs (and cats)

Today is National Grammar Day. I wanted to acknowledge this important day, but I really had trouble choosing a video. So, you get two.

First, I’d like to introduce you to a cat who really loves grammar.

Next, enjoy a crash course in apostrophes from a grammar-obsessed dog.

I hope to see more videos featuring the dapper Charles. I’ll be keeping an eye on his Twitter account.

Happy National Grammar Day!


Seuss-obsessed blogger on the loose (plus… cats in hats!)

February has passed, and March has slid into its place. The first signs of spring are slowly showing their face. Today is the first day of this glorious time, but do you know why tomorrow has inspired me to rhyme?

If you’re a studious scholar of literary renown, it’s likely this riddle will not cause you to frown. It just so happens that many years ago on that day, a man named Theodor Geisel joined our great mortal play. That’s right – tomorrow’s the birthday of the fab Dr. Seuss, so now you know that my rhyming has a fantastic excuse. I became similarly rhythmic at the same time last year, so I hope that this format will not cause you to jeer.

  1. First up, I present you with a new punny pet name. Last year, Fleaodor Seuss Geisel was my entry of fame. Repeating myself would be cheating a tad, so instead I introduce you to Ms. Feral Ladd.
  2. Fun flights of fancy seem quite fitting today, so enjoy these whimsical paintings without further delay.
  3. Do you find the alphabet much, much too tame? Use the Seussabet instead – you’ll not again feel the same.
  4. Dr. Seuss is remembered for the Grinch, green ham, and a cat, but his body of work is far more extensive than that. Before all the Sneetches or an elephant caper, Seuss was in the same business as one Mr. Don Draper.
  5. Speaking of hats, it seems the good doctor had quite a flair, for finding charming haberdashery to cover his hair.
  6. I think that this story is worth sharing, so go take a quick look. I wish that someone named Martha Graham Cracker was here to read me a book.
  7. Here’s the answer to a question you likely did not ponder: it’s Star Wars redone in shades of Seussian wonder.
  8. Although the Lorax is often quite busy speaking for trees, he still inspires fantastical parties with the greatest of ease. (Yet if you may permit me one quibble with that adorable scheme, the use of all that paper might somewhat contradict the book’s theme? I’m probably being a picky old grouch, but if I’d kept my mouth shut, I’d have felt like a slouch. In my mind, I’ll just hope that this use was excusable, and that these cute decorations will prove to be quite reusable.)
  9. This story is old, but some might find it surprising. Who knew that Yertle the Turtle posed the danger of a grade school uprising?
  10. If you’re not anti-Yertle and hosting a Seussian soiree, put these dishes on your menu to simply blow guests away.
  11. We’re not the only blog paying tribute to this brilliant writer. This poem from Cat Chat is another one to help make your day brighter.
  12. Oh, and in case a product rep is here doing some reading, I have some advice that might help if you think of proceeding. Before you request a humble blogger work for free, I suggest you take a moment – or perhaps even three – to read this cautionary missive that will help in gauging, just why your unsolicited email could prove to be mildly enraging.

Now it’s time to abandon the numerical form. I end with a video (as is often the norm):


How will you celebrate this prince of the book? Perhaps channeling his characters with your next fashionable look?

If I can make one final request of you at this time… if you’re going to comment, maybe do it in rhyme? Rhyming comments would fill me with utter delight. Then I’ll know that this post did not lead to mass reader flight.

(I hope that this format did make you feel glee, but regardless, dear reader, the choice was not up to me. For you see, I’m not only a great Seussian fan, I happen to share the day of my birth with the man. Now that my motives have been fully explained, I’m sure you’ll agree that my whimsy was no doubt preordained.)
