Bella the Snowdog

I told you I take requests… so, today I present with “Bella the Snowdog.”  (Hat tip to Pamela from Something Wagging for the suggestion.)

But first… a bonus video from 2010.  (We don’t have snow yet this year, and that’s fine by me!)

Bella the Snowdog

Bella the Snowdog, is a silly, happy pup.
With gigantic ears and a big black nose,
and a tail that’s always up.
Bella the Snowdog is a lazy dog they say,
Sometimes she runs around, but it’s pretty clear
that she likes to snooze all day.
There must be cozy blankets in that doggie bed she found.
For when she goes to take a nap, she doesn’t move around.
O, Bella the Snowdog,
dreams of chasing squirrels up trees.
When she dreams, she runs and barks and plays,
Happy to snooze the day away.

Before I go, I wanted to let you know that there’s still time to enter the Social Media for Social Good giveaway… today, the chance to earn entries through Google+ goes live.  I’ve included the Rafflecopter after the jump if you’re interested.  
(If you haven’t entered via Twitter or Facebook yet, you can still do so.  For Facebook, click here.  For Twitter, click here.)  Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Dance of the Sugar-Plum Puppies

It’s Friday again, so I’m here with your weekly dose of linky goodness…

  1. Your punny pet name: Kitty Ya-meow-guchi.  (Fun fact: kittens are really into ice skating.)
  2. It’s definitely the party season – time to stock up on gifts for your hosts/hostesses.  If one of them happens to be a dog lover, here are some great ideas.  Another option – just get a gift for the dog instead.
  3. Once you have the gifts, you’ll need to wrap them. On that note, I have a feeling most cats would not be as tolerant as this one.
  4. Looking for some new Christmas music to sing while you decorate? Might I suggest The 12 Dogs of Christmas? (That post may inspire me to dogify some Christmas carols soon.  Stay tuned.)
  5. Does your dog inspire your holiday decorations? Maybe I should take a cue from Bo and make a Bella out of marshmallows and peanut butter cups.
  6. Speaking of my little blog star, want to see more photos from Bella’s holiday shoot?  Check out our album on Facebook. (While you’re there, you might as well like the page too, right?)
  7. Considering taking photos of your pet this holiday season but not sure where to start?  Lucky for you, I’ve rounded up some tips from our pals at Go Pet Friendly and Alfie’s Blog.
Finally, here’s a holiday treat – therapy dogs performing The Nutcracker.  Personally, I think the Mouse King steals the show.

(Visit here for more information about this performance.)

I was joking about creating a candy Bella (I blame last night’s Parks & Recreation for putting that notion into my brain), but now I’m wondering –  what candy would you use to make a replica of your dog?

(P.S. Parks and Recreation, much like Community, has a documented love of puppies. Yet another reason I love these two shows.)

Happy Friday!


I like big mutts and I cannot lie…

First off, happy National Mutt Day!  I’d like to dedicate today’s post to all of the awesome mutts out there, including my own.  (Considering adopting your own mutt? Check out a really cool way to announce it and help other shelter pets, courtesy of Bocci’s Beefs.)

Now, back to your regularly scheduled linkage:

  1. Your punny pet name: Johann Sebastian Bark. (Also, this week’s award for awesome punnage goes to… Goatzart.)
  2. It seems that one local law school has taken a cue from the extremely awesome TV show Community – George Mason University has enlisted some cuddly puppies from a local rescue group to help law students relax during exams.  (Perhaps they got the idea from Yale, but in my mind the administrators are just big Community fans.)
  3. Speaking of TV, I really enjoy that the worried dog from that insurance commercial is starring in a happier commercial.
  4. So, has anyone seen the new Muppets movie yet? I really want to see it this weekend. After all, I can’t wait to see the next stage in Ms. Piggy’s style evolution.
  5. This next video has the perfect soundtrack… and it made me giggle, alot (typo intentional).
  6. I think we can all agree that dogs are cute. (If not, how did you end up reading this blog? Go watch this video and then come back.)  Today, let’s also appreciate some cute from off the beaten path.
  7. Um… on a related note, hedgehog bathtime is awesome.

I think this week’s video really ties it all together…

(via Paw Nation)

You know, I had to give Bella a bath last week in preparation for her holiday photo shoot.  Why couldn’t she be into it like that guy?

I’ve been battling a sinus infection this week – however, new research shows that the doctor should prescribe a glass of wine and a bubble bath.  Now that’s medicine I can get behind.  (See how it all relates? My mind works in odd ways.)

Don’t forget – if you have any questions that you’d like to ask a professional pet photographer who also photographs shelter pets, send them my way.  I hope to have some answers for you in the near future.

Have a great weekend!



Please tell me I’m not the only one who remembers this stuff…

Today’s links are even more random than usual, if that’s possible. Full disclosure: I considered doing a Twilight theme.  The punny names were especially easy – though I would not be surprised if someone already has a pet named Robert Cattinson.  (Yup. Someone beat me to it.)

Anyway, although I am going to see Breaking Dawn tonight (I didn’t love the book, but I can’t resist a movie night), I decided to spare you from my other puns (such as Edward Seagullen).  You’re welcome for the random linkage instead…

  1. First up, your punny pet name: Meowrice Sendak.
  2. Time for a little shameless self-promotion – I posted a new recipe on the cupcake blog!
  3. Now that I’ve gotten that out of the way, crack open a dog beer and let’s get to the fun stuff.
  4. The other day I wrote a guest post for My Brown Newfies inspired by Where the Wild Things Are. The Internet has returned the favor – it’s where the wild pugs are!
  5. So, I remember when Passions had that weird talking doll. (Anyone else? I didn’t watch that particular soap opera, but I would occasionally pass it when channel surfing and get creeped out.)  It appears that one soap opera has decided to top that storyline – it’s a talking dog trying to convince a talking baby to hand over some hidden paternity test results.  (Don’t worry, I’ll give you a few minutes to read that completely bonkers sentence a few more times.)
  6. In other “things no one else probably remembers” news, 2gether (MTV’s parody boy band from the ’90s) is considering a reunion. U plus me equals us, baby.  (Calculus.)
  7. Speaking of TV… I’m not normally one to share ads, but I giggle whenever I see this Microsoft ad.  After all, I was the type of kid who would have happily made a
    PowerPoint presentation about why I needed a dog.  (I’m also reminded of
    Marshall’s chart and graph obsession on How I Met Your Mother.  I can totally relate.)
  8. Bonus graph: things I associate with Sarah McLachlan. (Thank goodness for the series of non-depressing pet adoption videos from Will My Dog Hate Me, right?)

Continuing with the advertising theme… this FedEx ad featuring dominoes, a goose wearing a bow tie, and an adorable puppy is pure awesome:

(via Best Week Ever)

I mean, it’s not catvertising, but it’ll do…

That’s all I’ve got for you today.  Also, don’t forget to vote for The Old Dog House in the Pepsi Refresh Project once a day until November 30… it’s a wonderfully simple way to help senior dogs.

Have a great weekend!


Weight Loss with a Wag Blog Tour

I have a real treat for you today… my pal Peggy Frezon, the author of Dieting with My Dog, has offered me the chance to ask her a few questions as part of the “Weight Loss with a Wag” blog tour.  Fun, right?

Before we dive into the questions, I’ll share some quick background.  Peggy has written a book called Dieting With My Dog: One Busy Life, Two Full Figures, and Unconditional Love.  I know I’ve had my own struggles with weight, although I never stopped to think about how that could affect Bella.  Peggy’s book is definitely food for thought (pun totally intended).  She muses, “Were my bad habits causing my dog to gain weight too?”  It’s a great question.

However, it’s more than a book about weight loss – it’s about a journey that Peggy and her pup Kelly took together and the bond that they have.  I couldn’t wait to ask Peggy some questions about the book.  Read on, friend…

1. What inspired you to write this book? 
When Kelly’s vet told me that she needed to lose weight or she’d be at risk
for diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and more…I realized,
I’d heard all those same warnings from my own doctor. I also realized
that there was a connection between overweight pets and overweight pet
parents, and many others were struggling the same as I was. I hope the
book will inspire others who want to get fit with their dog.


2. What is your biggest weight loss challenge? 
Probably exercise. I just don’t really enjoy running, dancing, lifting,
pedaling… and I’ve found that I have to keep doing it, and keep
working harder, in order to keep the weight off.


3. What did you find to be the most challenging part of the writing process? 
The writing part is easy, and I was lucky enough to get an agent right
away. Then came the long process of finding a publisher. This is
a difficult time in the publishing industry, with a shift toward ebooks,
and no one quite knowing how that is all going to fall, so editors are
skittish about taking new, unproven authors. I was lucky and my book was
accepted by an awesome publisher of great dog books.


4.  Do you have any tips for dieting with an older dog? 
Kelly is 9 so I guess she’s considered a senior now. I think it is always
important to have your vet check them over to make sure there are no
underlying problems that might contribute to weight gain. Next, I think
it’s important to know their limitations physically. Some older dogs
tire easily or have joints that hurt to walk and run. I think finding
the best, low fat, good nutrition food for your senior dog (whether you
prefer home made or commercial) will really help best in weight loss.
Also of course, healthy snacks like carrots and bananas.


5. Finally, a slightly off-topic question… what’s your favorite TV show? (You know I’m a pop culture junkie.)
Fun! Ok this is going to sound like I watch way too much TV!  I assume you
mean currently running TV.  I think 30 Rock is my favorite. No, Big Bang
Theory. Wait, I mean Modern Family. Parenthood. Wait!  I love Gordon
Ramsey! Ok, ok, do I have to admit it? I really enjoy Survivor.

Thanks again to Peggy for giving me the chance to interview her.  (Also, no shame on that TV answer… if I told you how many I watch, you’d think I do nothing else.)

You can learn more about Peggy’s book by following the “Weight Loss With A Wag” blog tour – so fun! You can also like Dieting with my Dog on Facebook.


Take a cue from the dog and treat yo self

First of all, some good news: Bella’s long national nightmare is over.  Her staples have been removed and she’s gotten clearance to say goodbye to her cone.  (Just in time, too… I think Bella has had enough of my attempts at cone humor.)

Thank goodness for the Comfy Cone, however.  I don’t think Bella would have ever forgiven me had I made her wear that plastic one for two weeks.  They had a good run, Bella and her Comfy Cone.  In fact, Bella’s flashlight costume won her first prize in Comfy Cone’s Halloween contest!  This cone, at least, had a (reflective) silver lining.

Moving on… in honor of Bella’s good news and inspired by Parks and Recreation, I think you should treat yo self this weekend.  Life can really take its toll on you sometimes, so every now and then it’s important to take it easy.  Our dogs seem to know how to live in the moment and enjoy life, and I’m pretty sure Bella doesn’t feel the least bit bad when she decides to treat herself.  Talk about a good role model.  I’ll help get you started…

  1. Your punny pet name for the week: Tom Catterford As a bonus, here’s one for the neighborhood deer: Ron Fawnson.
  2. Start your morning off right.  Play this song when you wake up.  It’s better than coffee. (No joke, I want to wake up to this song every morning. I am confident that I could do anything after listening to it.)
  3. You might consider planning a day trip with your best friend.  Just get out and enjoy the world.  (Note: words cannot even describe how much I love the video linked to here.)
  4. If a trip’s not in the cards, perhaps you should treat yourself to some culture – spend some quality time gazing at these photos from the Water Droplet Zoo. It’ll make you feel like a real aristoquack.
  5. After lunch, take in a classic movie with a real cinema buff.
  6. Don’t worry, your day should include some silly moments too.  Enjoy some comic relief, such as these dogs in wigs.
  7. Why not broaden your horizons and make a new friend today?
  8. Whatever you do this weekend, remind yourself that there’s so much to be happy about if you just know where to look.

You might be wondering how to cap off a nice day of treating yourself.  Never fear, I have it all taken care of. First, find someone to drive you around so you can relax.  Then, if you’re into the arts, might I recommend tickets to the ballet?

Not your style?  That’s okay.  If you’re a sports fan, how about a hockey game?

However you choose to spend your weekend, I hope it’s a good one and that you find some time to treat yourself.  If all else fails, just forget about the world for a while and do your own happy dance.


Happy Halloween from the Cone Ranger

When she’s not being a flashlight, I like to think that Bella is dressed in costume as the Cone Ranger.  Accordingly, here’s a video of her in “costume” for your Halloween enjoyment (especially since I already shared my favorite Halloween song on Saturday).  I’d recommend watching this one with the sound on to get the full benefit of the soundtrack. Poor Cone Ranger – life on Coney Island is full of challenges.

Hi-Yo, Salamander! Away!

Seriously, she was so full of energy last week (when I shot this footage) that her crazy was at an all time high. We’ve managed to institute some “cone breaks” into her schedule, which seems to help.  While supervised, she seems to – mostly – be leaving her incision alone.  She’s still all coned up at night and when home alone, however.  I don’t trust her that much yet.

Hope you have a great Halloween!


A big fat Halloween cat

It’s no secret… I love Garfield.  So, in honor of Halloween, I wanted to share my favorite song from Garfield in Disguise (which I think has since been renamed, but I’m old school like that).

(Seriously, why was it renamed to Garfield’s Halloween Adventure?  Was it that hard to connect the dots that “in disguise” might refer to a Halloween costume?  Moving on…)

There’s some weird box in the middle (I don’t edit ’em; I just find ’em).  However, you can hover over it and then click the X to get rid of it..

So what will you be?  Happy Halloween!


Those better be some good treats

It’s almost time to watch Halloween cartoons!  (Yes, I am five.)  I do love It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown – however, for my favorite special, I have to break out the DVD player.  Which one is that, you might ask?  Garfield, of course.  What’s yours?

Anyway, before I do that, I owe you some Halloween linkage.  Enjoy…

  1. This week’s punny pet names are inspired by my friend Coney McConerson: Conan O’Whinin’, Ichabod Cone and Cone Crawford.  (I’ve also added a few new nicknames for my Coney Island friend. One of my favorites?  The Cone Ranger.)
  2. Looking for an easy Halloween treat this weekend?  Try making this candy cane bark I shared over on the baking blog.
  3. Halloween is Monday… which means it’s the last Friday that I can share Halloween costumes this year.  Let’s start with 6 awesome dog costumes inspired by food.
  4. Those photos were taken at the 21st Annual Tompkins Square Halloween Dog Parade.  Want more?  I aim to please.
  5. Remember that awesome collection of cat costumes from last week?  Now there’s one for dogs too.
  6. Still haven’t figured out a costume for your pup?  Lucky you – Doggie Stylish has a ton of ideas and tutorials!  Or perhaps you’d prefer something simple? (Whatever you choose, make sure to follow these safety tips from To Dog With Love.)
  7. Bella’s not so into pumpkin carving… maybe she’s just intimidated by the skills of these carving creatures.
  8. Speaking of pumpkins, these Dog O’Lanterns from PupLove and Gardening with Wyatt are pretty awesome.
  9. Don’t feel like carving? It’s not necessary for maximum cute.  Exhibit A: some photos of pooches hanging out with pumpkins

Finally, this week’s video:

I hope that you have a wonderful Halloween weekend!


Hello… is it a doggie you’re looking for?

I’ve got lots of linky goodness for you today.  Before we get silly, however, I have some cool information to share with you in honor of Pit Bull Awareness Day, which just so happens to be tomorrow.

Our pals over at love and a six-foot leash have put together a special adoption event with the Montgomery County Humane Society.  For a select group of lovable wonderbulls known as Little Zee’s Fabulous Four, all adoption fees will be sponsored.  Once a dog in the Fabulous Four is adopted, a new one will take his or her place on the list.

If you’re in the DC area, check out the details on how you can bring one of these adorable pups home.  (Even if you’re not looking for another dog right now or aren’t in DC, you can still help by spreading the word!)  For bonus points, head over to Peaceful dog, where a donation will be made to the Washington Humane Society for each comment.  Pretty cool, huh?

Now, back to your regularly scheduled puns…

  1. Your punny pet name: Lionel Itchy.
  2. Remember how much I loved that Lionel Richie teapot?  Well, here’s an awesome flyer to go with it. I don’t know why he fascinates me so… perhaps I’ve been wooed by his grammar skills.
  3. On a related note, I saw the sign below one day, and it was the highlight of my week.  I’m sure the people who saw me taking this photo thought I was nuts – however, anyone who gets the reference below scores instant awesome points.  (I’m beginning to think I need to join Lionel Richie Fans Anonymous.  Their motto?  “Hello… is it therapy you’re looking for?”)
  4. Lionel Richie crossing
  5. Um… moving on… looking for a treat to make for Halloween? Check out these creepy eyeball cake pops from Bakerella.  (Continuing on that theme… there photos of animals’ eyes up close are pretty cool.)
  6. If that didn’t satisfy your sweet tooth, try these awesome cakes inspired by Tim Burton.  (There might even be some new eye candy on my baking blog… head on over and check it out.)
  7. Last week, I highlighted some dogs in Halloween costumes.  This week, cats get their due.  (Speaking of cats, this diagram should clear up what all the fuss is about.)
  8. Also… I think this might be the best costume ever (although I doubt it’d translate into a pet costume).
  9. Want to see more cute pet costumes (and vote for your favorite)?  Go to All Things Dog Blog to vote for the Most Original Costume, and swing by DogTipper to vote for the Cutest Costume.
  10. I wish I’d read this article about pumpkin carving tips before I tried to carve mine last weekend.  Nonetheless, maybe it’ll help you in your carving endeavors.  (Are you a pumpkin carving savant?  Then you might want to enter this contest.)
  11. This photo looks like it came from some sort of horror movie.

The video below, however, looks like it came from the best movie ever.

It’s like a remake of 8 Seconds only much more fun and without Dylan McKay.

Oh, and I know it’s No Frown Friday, but I want to keep you posted on what’s up with us today.  Bella had to go in for surgery to have a lump removed this morning, and I’ll be picking her up this evening if all goes well.  That being said, we’d appreciate any healing vibes you could send her way.

I’m hoping that it’ll turn out to be nothing, and that the worst part of the whole ordeal will be her displeasure regarding the cone of shame.  (At least we don’t have a doggie door, I suppose…)
