Eat pumpkins, not brains (or… how to survive a zombie attack)

This week, I can really use some smiles… thank goodness No Frown Friday is here when I need it most!  I also have an important zombie survival tip to share with you.  But first, a few things to send you into the weekend with a giggle or two:


  1. Your punny pet name: Tyribone Lannister.  (Confused?  See #2 below.)
  2. This might be the best PSA about spay/neuter ever… especially if you’re a nerd and into Game of Thrones like I am. (I’ll be adding this to the long list of puns I wish I’d come up with.)
  3. Bet you can’t top this senior portrait.
  4. So, I’ve told you how this blog got its name.  With that in mind, I’m sure you will understand why I giggled – a lot – about these posts from Smart Dog and Doggie Stylish.
  5. New post on the cupcake blog!  You’re welcome.
  6. With Halloween just around the corner, it seems that cute costumes are everywhere.  I couldn’t stop laughing at this gallery of 50 dogs in Star Wars costumes.
  7. Speaking of awesome costumes… it’s Ch-Ch-Chia Dog!
  8. This one has no real connection to anything else on the list… but it’s my blog so I can take some liberties right?  It’s a cheese grater that looks like a hedgehog!

Apparently I’m all about the pugs this week.  I found this video somewhat hypnotic (though not quite as hypnotic as those running geese):

(via Paw Nation)

I don’t know what you saw, but I’m pretty sure I just learned how to survive a zombie attack – always sit on a kitchen rug so that the zombies can’t quite reach you.  If only someone had shared this info with the cast of The Walking Dead.

Anyway… what are you up to this weekend?  I’m going to a corn maze/pumpkin patch with friends, and then we’re heading back to my house for a pumpkin carving party.  For Bella, that means extra people to pet her and give her love.  I don’t think she’ll mind that at all.

As for the pumpkins?  She isn’t all that interested.  However, some animals love to eat pumpkins – how does your pet feel about them?



High five!

Time to high five our way into the weekend…

  1. I recommend you use this week’s punny pet name for a fish: Barney Finson.
  2. It’s like the animals from the Los Angeles Zoo are trying to outdo that puppy from Tuesday.  (Bonus – baby elephant!)
  3. Feel good story of the day: cat and family reunited after 6 years.  (And it’s even another reason it’s good to adopt, not shop.)
  4. Breaking news: Carmen Sandiego has been found.  Waldo remains at large.
  5. When a squirrel interrupts a televised baseball game, do dogs everywhere freak out?  (Bella and I weren’t watching… the wounds from the Braves epic collapse are still too fresh.)
  6. You know, it’s possible that our dogs know more about us than the rest of the world.  They’re great listeners, after all.
  7. Another genius installment from the Bloggess… enough said.
  8. Speaking of genius – Whippet wordplay!

I’d like to give the person who came up with that Whippet pun a high five.  Fun fact: giving a high five is one of the few tricks Bella has successfully mastered.  This cat approves:

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


Snappy wordplay and a K9 Kamp giveaway!

It’s Friday… thank goodness!  (Now I know why it’s always said the other way. IF…TG is not really as catchy as TGIF.)

As always, it’s time for some fun links to send you into the weekend.  As a bonus, today’s post includes information about a K9 Kamp giveaway!  Read on, friend…

  1. This week’s punny net name: William Snakespeare. (Bonus puns: Mount Ruffmore and “Is it tea you’re looking for?”  That second link will show you my new favorite thing. I want one. Seriously.  It’s possible I wrote a few verses of that song this week… you know I can’t fight the music.)
  2. It’s been a big week for punny songs over here.  Newly added to my catalog?  “Hakuna Manatee” (it means no worries, in the inlets and bays) and “Hakuna Fritatta” (I was at a work brunch and couldn’t stop humming it to myself).  
  3. Also, here’s a special one for you Days of Our Lives fans – “Hakuna Marlena.”  (It does, in fact, involve references to that time she was possessed.  Now she has a “Satan-free… philosophy… Hakuna Marlena.”)
  4. Moving on… here’s Hero, the dog-shaped hot dog steamer.  There are no words.
  5. There are, however, words for these cake pops that look like my favorite cartoon character. Those words? Awesome and adorable. 
  6. Speaking of cake, I finally posted a new recipe on my long-neglected cupcake blog.
  7. I have a friend who has a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named Snoop Dogg.  I have a feeling she would appreciate this next link.
  8. Looking for a pet-friendly hotel?  How about a hotel that has dogs on staff and helps pets get adopted?  As you wish.
  9. If you got the Princess Bride reference in that last item, then you’ll love this (fictional) version of Monopoly.  (If it were real, it would be currently fighting that Lionel Richie teapot for the title of my favorite thing.)
  10. This photo just made me smile.  However, this one led to a fit of giggles that I still haven’t quite gotten over. Wordplay!

Photobucket As you know, I’ve been participating in K9 Kamp for the last few weeks.  Today, I’m the featured blogger at Peggy’s Pet Place – swing by to check it out.  In addition, K9 Kamp is giving away a set of hand-crafted, eco-friendly Fetching Sticks from Molly Products. You can enter by heading over to Peggy’s Pet Place or on this blog after the jump…


Hey girl… bird is still the word

Today’s post is inspired by that whole Ryan Gosling “Hey girl” thing (if you don’t know what I’m talking about, you should stop whatever you’re doing and check it out – I’ll wait).  It’s not the first time Mr. Gosling has made an appearance on this blog, and I’m sure it won’t be the last.  I mean, the man’s dog has an adorable mohawk, AND he shares his name with adorably tiny feathered creatures.

(Before we dive in, I also wanted to encourage you to visit Grouchy Puppy – I did a guest post that will be featured there today!)

  1. Your weekly pun: Goose Newton.
  2. Wondering why I’ve got “Hey girl” on the brain?  I blame this absolutely hilarious mash-up of Beauty and the Beast and that Honeybadger guy.  It’s possible I like this version better than the original.
  3. Apparently this goose would like to challenge the idea that dog is man’s best friend.
  4. This duck would like to help him in that quest.
  5. All goslings (except for Ryan) one day grow up to be geese.  This video beautifully captures that process.
  6. Speaking of birds, anyone familiar with Portlandia and that whole hilarious “Put a bird on it” thing?  Whatever your answer, I recommend you head over to The Bloggess.  You’ll be happy you did.
  7. Related: maybe Portlandia was wrong and you should put a cat on it instead?
  8. Now that we’re on the topic of cats, I just discovered this video that seems to be the perfect follow-up to Monday’s Office Space cat.  Apparently curiosity about the fax machine will land the cat a rocking office job.  (Bonus: cats wearing ties!)

I found today’s video strangely hypnotic:

Is it the music?  I don’t know, but I would be lying if I said I didn’t watch it several times.  Bird is the word, after all.

You know what else I’ll be watching several times?  The return of Pop-Up Video.  There should really just be a channel constantly playing Pop-Up Video. Are you listening, Vh1?


Friday I’m in love (with BlogPaws)

Today, I’m at BlogPaws!  However, I couldn’t just leave you hanging on No Frown Friday.  It just wouldn’t be right if I didn’t send you into the weekend as usual… so let’s get to it!

  1. As always, we begin with a pun… Tina Spay.  (I’m obviously in 30 Rock withdrawal.)
  2. Speaking of wordplay… if I ever need a Cat Scan, I hope I get this type.  Way better than the traditional kind.
  3. Speaking of Cat Scans… if all goes according to plan, I’ve met some of my favorite bloggers by now.  (If you’re there… say hi!)  Maybe I will ask those who are vets if this cartoon actually depicts a teaching animal hospital.  I have a feeling that it does not.
  4. Next, I give you cats with mustaches.  No wordplay or brilliant segue needed.
  5. Apparently the MTV Video Music Awards are this weekend.  (Kind of funny, considering that I can’t remember the last time I saw a video on MTV.)  Anyway, I would be much more likely to watch the VMAs if they really did have puppies on hand to impersonate the various presenters and winners.
  6. Finally, what happens if your toddler decides the dog needs a new ‘do?  Hilarity, that’s what.

No video today – it’s been a crazy week!  However, if you aren’t at BlogPaws, but want to keep up with the action, you can follow me on Twitter.  (I’m not sophisticated enough to blog from the event itself, but Twitter I can handle.)  I’ll be using the hashtag #Blogpaws.  Stay tuned for a full blog recap next week.  Happy weekend!


Lend me your eyes, and I’ll write you a blog…

Earlier this week, I advised you to stay tuned (I kill me) for a post that was somehow related to that overly cute kitten playing an invisible piano in his sleep.  This is that post.  Be prepared for some serious rambling ahead… both serious in nature, and seriously rambling.  After all, you know I love Memory Lane like I grew up there.

Do you ever get the feeling that the universe is conspiring to make you slow down and indulge your nostalgic side?  Recently, I found myself commenting on two different blog posts that reminded me of a very special show from my childhood.  Does anyone else remember Garfield’s Nine Lives?  (If you do, you may be my pop culture soul mate.)

If you haven’t heard of it, Garfield’s Nine Lives began as a 1984 book containing a group of short stories illustrating the various “lives” of Garfield the cat.  (I own this book.  Fun fact about me: as a child, I was obsessed with Garfield and began collecting Garfield books – including the daily strips, the Sunday Treasuries, and the specials.  I couldn’t get enough.  I’ll always have a soft spot for that cat.)

The book was adapted into a TV special in 1988.  My mom taped it for me when it aired.  (Ah, the days of VHS.)  I watched that special countless times – I could probably still quote most of it on request (such is the case with many Garfield specials, actually, but this one was by far my favorite).  The book is a bit darker than the TV special, and some of the lives differ between the two formats.

Anyway, you may be wondering what this has to do with… anything. While reading this post from Brian’s Home, I made a comment about Cave Cats (you know, a distant relative of the elusive Cave Dog).  This reminded me of Garfield’s first life, in which he was… a Cave Cat.  In addition, while reading this post from The Chronicles of Cardigan I was reminded of another life from the TV special – my favorite one, in fact.  It’s called Diana’s Piano.

Garfield describes this life as the one where he fell in love with music and when he “fell in love with a girl who played the piano just for me.”  As a child who took years of piano lessons and had a white cat (like Diana, the feline incarnation of Garfield in Life No. 6), this cartoon was catnip.  

It’s a touching story.  I just watched it again before writing this post, and needed several tissues.  Several.  Gets me every time.  I highly recommend it, but if you don’t find yourself sobbing or at least getting a little weepy… well, I just don’t know what to think about you.

My cat Buttercup wasn’t as much of a music fan as Diana (she was downright antisocial at times),  but I loved her dearly.  She was my first pet, joining our family when I was only three years old.  In my young mind, this cartoon was us.  (In fact, when Diana decides to scratch a visitor and has a look of smug satisfaction on her face, it was like they’d based the character on Buttercup.  Seriously.)

When I watched Diana’s Piano again as an adult, I realized that it also touched upon my relationship with another significant animal in my life – my dog Scotti.  She entered my life when I was ten years old

Scotti used to hang out by the piano while I’d play (she was much more of a music fan than Buttercup).  We were inseparable… and just like the woman in the cartoon, one day I had to leave for college.  (As she narrates: “That was a sad day.”)  When I called home, I’d ask to talk to Scotti on the phone, and I would ask my mom if Scotti seemed to recognize my voice.  I was always elated when my mom said yes.  I missed Scotti terribly, and I couldn’t wait to see her again.

Time passed.  I graduated and finally moved into an apartment off campus.  (One that allowed pets, of course.  That was an essential requirement.)  However, by the time I graduated college, Scotti was twelve years old – really too old to leave the comfort of my parents’ house.  It just wouldn’t have been fair to her to uproot her, move her to an apartment hundreds of miles away, and expect her to adjust to my hectic schedule.  I felt guilty that we wouldn’t be together, but I think it was the right decision.  Luckily, she didn’t hold it against me – every time I saw her it was like we had never been apart.  (She did – slightly – hold it against me when I adopted Bella and would bring her home with me for visits.  Although they only met a few times, I am sure Scotti was wondering who this interloper was and why I kept bringing her home.)

Scotti is gone now.  It’s been several years since I lost her, but I find myself thinking of her often.  She was truly my dog in a way that I’d never imagined could happen.  We had other pets when I was a kid, but the two of us were like peas and carrots.  A true team.  I can’t imagine my childhood without her by my side – she features prominently in the majority of my memories.

I realize that I’ve come to define the different phases of my life based on the cats and/or dogs that were with me during each time.  (Does anyone else do that?)  Each “era” is different, but they’re all special.  Just like the wonderful creatures I’ve been lucky to know – to paraphrase the song that inspired this blog title, I always got by with a little help from my (furry) friends.

Thanks for indulging my sentimental side… it’s funny what will inspire a trip down Memory Lane, isn’t it?


Cats in hats & dogs in blogs…

Lots of good stuff for you today….

  1. Your punny pet names for the week… wait, I need to put on my punglasses first.  That’s better.  In honor of last night’s So You Think You Can Dance finale I give you… Mary Purrphy.  (Bonus SYTYCD-related name in need of no alterations: Cat Deeley.)
  2. Multiple cats in multiple hats?  Dr. Seuss would be proud.  (Since we’re kicking things off with some feline links today… here’s a bonus quiz about purring.)
  3. I have a feeling Dr. Seuss would have also liked these adorable doughnuts decorated to look like cats.  Okay, I don’t really have that feeling.  I just like them.  That’s enough, right?
  4. Speaking of cat-shaped food (not to be confused with actual cat food), check out this cool jewelry shared on under the blanket.  Love the whimsy.
  5. Speaking of finding lost pets (I sort of was, I promise… visit blanket ID for a great and stylish way to keep your pets safe), viva la microchip!  This dog was reunited with his family a year after fatal car crash.
  6. Are you a pet blogger in addition to being a pet blog reader?  (I think it’s safe to assume you are at least a pet blog reader, right?  After all, you are here… reading my pet blog… but I digress.)  If so, hop on over to Rescued Insanity and join the discussion – how did your blog get its name?

As you know, I like to close things out with a video on Fridays.  In all honesty, I almost didn’t today because I just watched this video from No Dog About It and there’s no way I can compete… I can’t even tell you how much I loved it.  I cheered.  No joke.  So… you should go watch that.  Really.  

In any event, I’ll still give you a video, since one can never have enough cute.  I think that this will be Bella’s reaction when she finds out she needs to have her nails clipped and get a bath this weekend:

(via Life with Dogs)

However, although Bella tries to hide when she senses a bath on the horizon, I’m just glad she hasn’t earned a black belt in bath avoidance like this guy.

In other news… two weeks until BlogPaws!  Will I see you there?


I’m so excited… I’m so excited…

I’m all over the place today… I feel like Jessie Spano on a caffeine pill bender.  (I know, Jessie.  I’ll never get into Stanford at this rate either.)   Anyway…

  1. Your punny pet names:  Jessie Spaniel and Elizabeth Barkley.
  2. Shameless self-promotion time again!  Go visit my cupcake blog and enjoy some chocolate chip and mint chocolate chip cupcakes.
  3. Penguins graduating are adorable.  I hope the penguins went retro and played the Bayside High song during commencement. 
  4. The Canadian Prime Minister adopted a kitten.  This kitten is adorable.  That is all.
  5. For your consideration: this pup is gunning for an Oscar nom with his dramatic interpretation of playing dead.
  6. A chimp bottle feeding a tiger cub?  All in a day’s work.  If that’s not enough cute for you, go check out these Animals with Stuffed Animals.  I have a feeling that’ll do the trick.
  7. Add to your wish list: Dog Lips!

Finally, it’s not quite the Zenniest moment of Zen ever, but it’s pretty close:

(via Best Week Ever)

I'm going to BlogPaws 2011 badgeIn other exciting news…. I’m going to BlogPaws!  Who else will be there?  I can’t wait…


    That’s one way to stay cool…

    Happy Friday! I hope that you have not yet melted from the heat… if you have, then I ‘m not sure how you’re reading this, but I congratulate you on your skills.  Anyway, here we go…

    1. Your punny pet names for the week:  PetMe White and Jimmy Falhound. (Not my best work, but they are relevant to the links below.  Here’s a bonus, however: meet Ferris Mewler, feline friend of hilarious individual The Blogess.  That cat’s Eric Northman impression is off the charts… guess we know who would play Ferris Mewler in a made-for-TV movie.  Alexander Skarsgard all the way.)
    2. Wondering what’s new over at my cupcake blog? (Probably not, but I hope you’ll indulge my occasional desire to self-promote.)  If you’re hungry, perhaps these vanilla M&M cupcakes with chocolate buttercream will satisfy you.
    3. Sorry about that cupcake tangent… will you forgive me if I give you 20 dogs slow dancing to Boyz II Men?
    4. No?  Well… how about if I told you I can predict exactly how excited your dog will be to see you based upon how long you’ve been gone?
    5. Still not satisfied?  Man, tough crowd.  If Betty White hanging out with a beluga whale (yup, they’re buds) doesn’t do it, I’m out of ideas.

    So, we’re cool now, right?  Because once I linked to a video of a gosling, and had to clarify that I did not mean Ryan Goslng – it was a sad day for all, and I wished I’d been able to share a video of Gosling with a gosling instead.  I don’t have that today, but I have something even better.  Ryan Gosling and his dog (who happens to be rocking a mohawk) just hanging out on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon.

    It’s the little things.  You know, like a dog with a mohawk.  It is important to stay cool, after all.  Anyone else tried out this cut? 

    Happy weekend!


      Now casting: Bella’s made-for-TV movie

      Hmmm… perhaps it would be a direct-to-DVD movie instead?  Bella doesn’t have a large ego, so I’m sure she wouldn’t expect her first flick to go straight to the big screen… anyway, you may be wondering what I’m rambling about right now.

      Although I got sidetracked thinking about the format, I’m trying to decide what human celeb would play Bella in a movie.  Where did that random query come from?  The lovely Kahuna K9 (a new blog I discovered today through my blogging pals at Rescued Insanity, Kol’s Notes and Something Wagging This Way Comes) has invited bloggers to answer that question.  So, it’s time to cast Bella’s doppleganger…

      After much consideration, I’ve decided to give the role to Kristen Schaal.  (Loved her in Flight of the Conchords and still love her when she pops up on The Daily Show or anywhere else.)  I think her performance as Mel on FOTC was the key to winning this role… there’s something about her slightly goofy, happy nature with an edge that just says Bella to me.  Do you agree?

      Any thoughts on who should be Kristen’s understudy? (Bella’s movie just morphed into a play, I guess.)

