Through a Dog’s Eyes

Ugh. Yesterday, I had to take a sick day.  It was absolutely zero fun.  The one bright spot was getting to catch up on my DVR.

One of the programs I watched was called Through a Dog’s Eyes.  It’s a wonderful documentary that aired on PBS in April (and again in September), and it follows a group of people as they visit Canine Assistants to meet their service dogs for the first time.  Canine Assistants is a group that breeds, trains, and places service dogs with people who have physical disabilities, seizure disorders, and other needs.  (Canine Assistants provides the dogs free to the recipients through donations and sponsorships.)  The stories of the recipients are moving and interesting – and it gives a whole new perspective on the human-canine bond.

Here’s a preview for the show – if you missed it on PBS, you can watch the entire program on the PBS website.  (Bonus: it’s narrated by Neil Patrick Harris.)

Learn more, after the jump.

PBS has a wealth of useful information and great links on its page dedicated to the program. (There are even outtakes, training tips and a section simply called “More Puppies” – talk about knowing your audience.)

The founding of Canine Assistants is a great story.  Jennifer Arnold was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis at the age of sixteen.  Jennifer’s father suggested she get a service dog.  An organization denied her application, which provided the inspiration for Jennifer to found Canine Assistants.  (The organization is truly a family affair.)

Jennifer’s training philosophy is also a great one – it’s based on the idea that the dogs want to please their people, and it’s about positive reinforcement rather than domination.  (I’m sure our friends at Never Shock a Puppy would approve.)  The program also briefly touches upon the science behind the dog-human bond.  (Through the PBS site, I found a link to the Family Dog Project, which is dedicated to researching this bond.  Interesting stuff.)

Paw Nation is doing a series of posts about another recipient who is getting a dog from Canine Assistants.  The first post appeared earlier this month – I’m looking forward to reading more.  (You can also read an interview with the After-care Coordinator for Canine Assistants.)

If you’d like to learn more about Canine Assistants, visit them here.  I’m also considering picking up Jennifer’s book (also called Through a Dog’s Eyes)… after the documentary, I’m sure it will be good!

Have you seen the documentary?  What did you think?


Are you ready for some football?

If I had to guess, I’d say that Bella is not a football fan (jersey photos notwithstanding).  Although she loves rope bones and plush toys, balls have never been her thing.  Seeing Bella playing with a tennis ball is kind of like finding a four-leaf clover.  It’s an extremely rare occurrence.

Anyway, football season is here!  It’s my first year participating in the confusing world of fantasy football – I may not know what I’m doing, but I do think my team name is pretty awesome.  (Go Rush Puppies!)  Accordingly, today’s No Frown Friday takes us to the gridiron…

  1. Your punny pet names for the week are inspired by some Hall of Famers: Terry Bradspaw, Vince Pombardi (for your Pomeranian football fan), and Howly Long.
  2. Check out this cool football gear for your dog over at Phetched.
  3. Speaking of dogs playing sports, even the Canine in Chief enjoys a game of football every now and then.
  4. Got some time to kill before the games start this weekend?  You can watch full episodes of The Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show – including this episode about Snoopy’s football career

In my quest to find the perfect video for today’s post, I came across the very talented dog below.   He’s not playing football in the American sense of the word… but he’s cute so we can overlook that, right?

He makes me smile.

In other dog news, next week you can help dogs simply by writing a post on your blog. For every blogger that posts about the Pedigree Adoption Drive between now and September 19, Pedigree will donate a bag of dog food to shelter dogs.  Cosmo Havanese over at To Dog With Love has all the details.  Go check it out!  We’ll be doing a dedicated post on the subject next week – hope you will too.

More of a blog reader than a blog writer?  That’s okay – for every new person that likes the Pedigree Adoption Drive on Facebook, Pedigree will donate a bowl of food to shelter dogs.  It doesn’t get any easier than that!

Happy weekend!


Inglewood, 90310

As you know, yesterday was 9-02-10.  What you may not know is that many people, including myself, found this particular date very exciting.  Obviously, the calendar wanted us all to reminisce about Beverly Hills, 90210.  Right?

It’s obviously no longer 90210 day… however, I don’t have fond memories of a show called Inglewood, 90310.  Thus, even though it’s a day late, the theme of today’s No Frown Friday is 90210. (Though let’s be honest… that show could have used more puppies.)

  1. Today’s punny pet names: Brindle and Brandog Walsh (littermates, of course), David Sil-Bird, Donna Barkin, Kelly Tay-Roar, Steve Salamanders, Houndrea Zuckerman and Dylan Sit-Stay.  (Though it’s non-punny, I also think Mrs. Teasley would be a good pet name.)
  2. Looking back at the fashion of 90210 is a surreal experience.  To think I thought that these outfits were so stylish… eek.  Speaking of fashion, have you ever visited Fashionista Puppies?  If not… do so immediately.
  3. I enjoyed this comparison of Mad Men and 90210 characters.
  4. Finally, check out a compilation of the other 90210 celebrations that happened on the Interwebs.

You may have seen the standard credits over the years, but did you ever see the pilot sequence?  Brandon’s mullet is amazing.

Da na na na, da na na na, tsh tsh… now I’ll be humming the theme song for days.

To bring it back to puppies (as I must)… if you live in or near the Bev Niner and want to adopt a dog like Donna and Brenda did that one time, my Google-fu also revealed that there’s a program in Los Angeles called Pets 90210.  It’s sponsored by the Beverly Hills Pet Care Foundation, and features pets for adoption from L.A. Animal Services.  You know David would have totally volunteered to host…

The Hope for Paws rescue group is also based in L.A. – you may have seen some of the videos from this group.  I urge you to check them out – they do great things!

Happy weekend!




Another No Frown Friday is upon us… let’s get to it:

  1. Your punny pet names for the week (meant for a duo):  Fred and Wilma Flintsbone.
  2. Speaking of… it’s almost the weekend, so you should make like Fred Flintstone and slide out the door to freedom.  Not literally, of course, since cartoon physics never seem to translate to the real world and you probably don’t have a brontosaurus handy.  (If you do happen to have one on hand, I hope you’re not thinking of opening your own Jurassic Park… we all know how that ends.)  Anyway, that’s my long-winded way of telling you to go watch these videos of dogs sliding down stairs.  It’s the next best thing to sliding down a brontosaurus on your way out of the office.  (So much cooler than an elevator.)
  3. As you have probably guessed, I’ve got dinosaurs on the brain today.  Believe it or not, that Jurassic Park reference above has a puppy connection – I recently watched the Futurama episode “Jurassic Bark.” (It’s one of my favorites.)  If you haven’t seen this episode, you owe it to yourself as an animal lover to check it out.

Hmmmm… that Futurama episode can inspire the waterworks, so I may be stretching the bounds of No Frown Friday a bit with that one.  I need something silly, stat!  Quick, watch this:

Whew… that’s better.  Have a great weekend!

(Also… weekend TV alert!  The National Geographic Channel is airing a new special called “and Man Created Dog” on Sunday at 9pm.  If you’ve ever wondered how wolves became man’s BFF, then this special may be for you.)


Say hello to your Boston for me

Welcome to this week’s No Frown Friday… it’s time for another breed spotlight!  This week’s focus is on an adorable breed that I like to think of as the James Bond of puppies – always in black tie and ready for a formal occasion – the Boston Terrier.  Given this introduction, I need a video of a penguin and a Boston Terrier hanging out, stat.  Does such a thing exist?  Anyway…

  1. Your punny pet names for the week:  Boston Powers (he’s an international dog of mystery) and Bark Wahlberg (a Boston native… who talks to animals).  (I know, I know… I’ve linked to that clip before. I can’t help myself.)
  2. Enjoy Boston Terrier puppy overload by watching this collection of videos.
  3. I also recommend checking out this adorable Boston Terrier cartoon over at Draw the Dog.
  4. If you’re feeling confident, why not test your Boston Terrier IQ?

And of course, here’s this week’s featured video offering (which inspired the theme of this post):

(via Pet Sugar)

Have you fallen in love with this breed yet?  If so, consider adopting a Boston Terrier – I hear that some pups even come complete with their own built-in formal wear.  (Not all Bostons are black & white… but they are all adorable!)

I have to stray from the theme for a moment… but I cannot wait to share this picture of a zebra/donkey hybrid with you.  It’s called a Zedonk!  (Since zebras are black & white, let’s just all agree it fits into the theme that way, okay?)  Cute, and a pretty awesome name… seemed like the perfect way to close out this post and send you into the weekend.  Hope it’s puptastic!


When he jumps high, he flies like a wild eagle…

Anyone else remember Snoopy’s foray into the world of dance?  I loved It’s Flashbeagle, Charlie Brown.  My mom taped it for me when it was on TV, and I definitely made good use of that VHS.  While we’re on the subject, I’d like to share a bit of random trivia I just discovered – the voice of Lucy in this special was none other than our very own Stacey “Fergie” Ferguson, she of Kids Incorporated fame (and the Black Eyed Peas, of course… but she’ll always be the girl from Kids Incorporated to me).

So… that’s my roundabout way of introducing the topic for this week’s No Frown Friday.  No… not Fergie.  Today, we’re focusing on Beagles!  It’s half of Bella, after all.  Let’s get to it:

  1. Your punny pet names for the week are Beagle-inspired, of course: Colin Howl, Ezra Hound and Bucky Scent.  (I was also about to make a Flock of Beagles joke, but Google revealed that I was far from the first to think of this pun.  Such is life.)
  2. For your Friday amusement, I direct you to this compendium of famous cartoon Beagles.
  3. I love the puppy parties at Paw Nation – click on over to watch a whole bunch of Beagle puppy clips.
  4. Feeling confident about your Beagle IQ?  Test yourself with this PetSugar quiz.

Finally, I’d like to leave you with the following dose of awesome:

Want your own Flashbeagle?  Find your local Beagle rescue – however, be aware that not all Beagles come outfitted with their own pair of leg warmers.

Have a puptastic weekend!


My puppy, ’tis of thee

In honor of the 4th of July, this week’s No Frown Friday has a patriotic theme.  Here are a few things to get your tail wagging into this red, white & blue weekend:

  1. We’ll begin with patriotic punny pet names, of course: Benji-man Franklin, Thomas Snifferson, James Meowdison, Paw Revere and George Washingbone.  (Another of my favorite patriotic pet names comes courtesy of How I Met Your Mother Tabigail Adams.)
  2. What better way to start the holiday weekend than looking at pictures of cute pets celebrating Independence Day?  Check out the 2010 winners of Martha Stewart’s Patriotic Pet Contest.  (Bonus patriotic pets available here.)
  3. I’m not sure how this next item relates to the upcoming holiday, but who cares?  I am loving this new (albeit inexplicable) trend – lobster dogs!
  4. Although many dog breeds originated elsewhere, did you know that there are some that are truly all-American?  For info on some of these home-grown pooches (and a few kitties), check out this link.  (There’s a more comprehensive list on this site as well.)
  5. The list of all-American breeds includes my beloved Toy Fox Terrier.  In honor of my own childhood best friend, Scotti, I present to you the best terrier tribute out there:

(From the fantastic Best in Show)

Although the song is technically about the Norwich Terrier, I think it works as a tribute to all terriers… when singing along, just substitute the name of your own preferred terrier pal.

That’s all for this week… I hope you have a wonderful holiday!


It’s an ad ad ad ad world

Have you ever wondered about the Michelin Man’s real name?  Or if Mr. Clean has a first name?  If the mystery of Comic Book Guy’s real name has been keeping you up at night, say farewell to insomnia.  This article on CNN is for you – it reveals the real names of several fictional characters.  Both interesting and useful, in my opinion.  I always like to keep my brain cells filled with bits of random trivia – after all, you never know when a spontaneous game of Trivial Pursuit will occur.

Stick with me here… it’s tangent time.  The aforementioned article reveals that even the Pillsbury Dougboy has a real name: Poppin’ Fresh.  This news is not new to me… I learned it around the time I heard that the Geico cavemen were getting a sitcom.  If starring in a sitcom is so easy that a caveman could do it (though history would prove that it was, in fact, not that easy), then couldn’t other advertising luminaries make the move as well?  From this simple question, the following imaginary TV shows were born.  (Around that time I created an anonymous blog, posted a few times, and promptly forgot about it… however, I’ve resurrected these ideas from that failed attempt just for you.)

  • Pop ‘n’ Fresh – The Pillsbury Doughboy (“PD” for short), fresh out of culinary school, gets a job at a local bakery.  The pay is low, so he finds a room to rent on craigslist.  His roommate?  None other than the cantankerous Michelin Man (and fan favorite, the Michelin Dog), who works as a bouncer at the local pub.  Wackiness ensues, as the series takes a page from How I Met Your Mother and tells the story of how a young PD met his wife, one Mrs. Poppie Fresh.  I picture this on CBS, maybe on Monday nights.  The series will officially jump the shark when the Fresh family’s two children are added to the cast.
  • Yo Quiero a Comeback – This one is a faux-reality show inspired by HBO’s The Comeback.  Once everyone’s favorite spokesdog (with all apologies to Spuds McKenzie and Suds McDuff), chihuahua Gidget has been unable to find further success in Hollywood.   Although the Taco Bell campaign launched her career, it’s now holding her back.  Aside from a few Geico commercials and a brief appearance in Legally Blonde 2, she’s been unable to find work.  Her mentor, Moose (Eddie of Frasier fame), passed away a few years ago, and no one has stepped in to fill the void.  No directors are willing to take a chance on her, but then the reality show producuers come knocking… Expect Entourage-style cameos from other famous canines.  Definitely a single-camera show, perhaps best suited to NBC’s Thursday night lineup.
  • Rabbit’s Run – Years of species-based discrimination have pushed the Trix Rabbit too far.  He’s been buying Trix on the black market for years, which has resulted in a dangerous sugar addiction.  The Rabbit has dreams of moving up the ladder from sugar junkie to power player in the sugary underworld.  (Mmmm… sugary underworld.)  Tag line:  “Be careful who you call a silly rabbit.”  Perfect for Fox, no?

TV execs out there (of which I’m sure so many read this blog), you’re welcome.  If one of these shows ever appears on the air, I better get a cut of the profits.


Bella’s back… tell a friend

This week’s No Frown Friday is brought to you without commercial interruption by Bella.  Bella: your number one source for cute since 2002.

Moving on:

  1. Today’s punny pet names were inspired by some of the nominees (and one honoree) for this year’s Tony Awards:  Jude Paw, Sean Jayes (for your feathered friend who seems like he’d make a good awards show host), Catherine Zeta-Bones, and David Rawhide Pierce.
  2. Will you be watching the Tony Awards on Sunday?  (As both an awards show addict and a theater fan, I can’t wait.)  If you’re not up on the theater scene, the Washington Post has come up with five reasons you should watch the Tony Awards anyway.  If you’re a Glee fan, you should know that Lea Michele and Matthew Morrison (who were Broadway vets before they became our very own Rachel and Mr. Schue) will be performing on Sunday’s telecast.
  3. Speaking of Glee, the season finale aired on Tuesday.  I have to say, I loved it – it was funny, touching, and hit all of the right notes.  (Pun actually not intended.)  Anyway, if you’re not quite ready to say goodbye for the summer, TWOP has put together a list of the best musical moments from the first season.  While I agree with the moments that made the list, there are a few others that I loved.  (Expect those moments to appear on this blog in the near future.)
  4. Okay, that’s enough about how I love shows that allow me to pretend it is totally acceptable to break into song at any given moment.  Let’s shift our focus… it’s time for some cute!  These photos from the Dachshund U.N. illustrate what it would be like if walking hot dogs ran the world.  I have a feeling that calling them “wiener dogs” would be a punishable offense.  Show some respect.  (Link courtesy of my favorite globe-trotting librarian.  Thanks for the tip!)

Finally, Bella informed me that she’s a bit disappointed in her lack of face time on this blog lately.  I’ve promised to remedy that problem, starting now:

Bella also wanted me to tell you to have a great weekend.  She’s thoughtful like that.


Rocks of love

Before you get all excited about (or disgusted by… to each his own) the title of this post, I must tell you that it has nothing to do with Bret Michaels. (Although I do hope our nation’s reigning Celebrity Apprentice is on the mend after his recent health scare.)  Further, this post does not involve groupies searching for love on a bus, or whatever it is that happens on VH1 these days.

This post is, however, about love.  And rocks.  Moon rocks, to be specific.  Seriously, watch the animated short below – if you aren’t at least a little moved by this love story, you may want to book a trip to Whoville and accompany the Grinch on his next Christmas raid.  I hope that your heart will also grow three sizes that day.  With that in mind, if you generally tend to tear up more than Michael Landon during a sweeps week episode of Little House on the Prairie (thanks, Sue Sylvester), you may want to have tissues on hand.

I’d suggest watching with the sound on… the soundtrack is groovy.

(via Best Week Ever)

You okay out there?  If not, the support group will be meeting in the comments.
