Caption this dog: Strange bedfellows

Facts about today’s post: (1) Bella likes to snuggle with a flowerpot; (2) I wish she would snuggle with Tavish instead; and (3) I couldn’t decide whether to go with a Mannequin joke, or some sort of doggelganger thing.

(The latter just makes me think of the Vampire Diaries – eventually, all the roles will just be played by Paul Wesley and Nina Dobrev, right? That seems to be where we’re headed.They better keep Ian Sommerhalder around though – I think that the viewing public would heartily approve of some Damon doppelgangers* walking around.)

Anyway, moving on…

Mannequin: The Canine Remake

She’s starring in an all-canine remake of Mannequin.

Think you can beat my caption? Share yours in the comments!

* I could not figure out how to make an umlaut. Please take a pencil** and draw one*** on your screen.

** I’m recommending a pencil so that you can erase it when you’re done, lest you find yourself with a rogue umlaut permanently terrorizing your screen.

*** Don’t actually do that. Use your imagination, silly.


The hills are alive with the sound of puns (and dinosaurs)

It’s Friday, which means it’s time for me to lob some linkage your way!

Oh, and before we get to today’s linkage, a little shameless self-promotion. I’m back again this week guest posting on the Grouchy Puppy blog. Check out this week’s post, which contains the best poem ever. I’m not even really exaggerating. (If you missed last week’s guest post, never fear… here you go.)

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Finnidict Cumberbatch, Mick Wagger, and Finnifer Lawrence. (Long live the Oxford comma! I don’t care what they say. Grammar nerd 4EVA… er, forever.)
  2. Speaking of puns, maybe I should apply for a job at Charmin.
  3. Forget November. It’s Dinovember from now - If history repeats itself, I'm so getting a dinosaur.
  4. Although… I wouldn’t be opposed to some sort of Novemb-grrr (Dogvember? Novemfur?) twist instead. (After all, everything is better with a dog.)
  5. It is possible, however, that even a dog couldn’t salvage this Sound of Music remake. (Okay, I’m obviously not as nice as Maria herself. To make up for it, I’ll just leave this here.)
  6. This last link is unrelated to anything, but I don’t care. ZONKEY!

Now, for today’s video… although, I’d obviously prefer you adopt your pet dinosaur from a dino shelter instead of buying him at a pet store. You might want to do your homework first and look into some dino training classes too:

FInally, in case you missed it, here’s what we were up to on the blog this week:

That’s all for now… see you next week. (Same dino time, same dino channel…)


#K9Kamp: The little engine that did

k9kamp canine fitness blog challenge

This… this was a month. A busy one.

You may recall that October’s K9 Kamp challenge was to do more – specifically, to get active with your dog for an extra 30 minutes a few times per week. You may also recall that I found this challenge a bit daunting, given how busy my month was shaping up to be.

So, how did it go? Well, I did not meet my own personal fitness goals, given that I haven’t seen the inside of my gym since September. (Here’s hoping that November will be better.) I ate pretty poorly this month. I had no motivation. I got off to a really slow start with K9 Kamp, having a lot of trouble squeezing in those extra minutes. I wasn’t sure how I would explain it all to you here on the blog.


(That GIF, by the way, is from the show Being Erica. If you have not seen it, you are totally missing out. Thank you, Canada. I was lucky that a friend turned me on to this show so that I could catch it when it aired on SOAPnet, but I believe you can still buy or download it. Anyone else a fan?)

Anyway, it turns out that doing more with the dogs is easier than getting myself to the gym. It’s also easier than resisting a delicious cookie. Thank goodness!

Once I realized that I didn’t have to do all of those minutes at once (thanks, Kol’s Notes!), the challenge seemed more achievable. A game of tug here, a game of fetch (or my dogs’ version of it, which is not really fetch at all) there, and the minutes added up before I knew it. So, I guess the lesson from this round of K9 Kamp is that even when you’re busy, it can be done!

With that, another session of K9 Kamp has come to a close. Would I do it again?


The llama has spoken. I’ll see you next time, fellow Kampers. How did you get active with your dog this month?


It’s the Great Pumpkin, Snarly Brown!

It’s time for some Friday linkage, Howloween style…

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Sheddy Krueger, Snarly Brown, Goosey VanPelt, and Peppermint Catty.
  2. Apparently, all movies are horror movies at heart. Who knew?
  3. So, what are you dressing up as this year? If you’re in need of an idea, might I recommend one of these options? (Whatever you do, just promise me you’re not going as a sexy antelope or sexy Marie Curie or anything like that. That’s right, I’m giving you the side eye, sexy giraffe and sexy fox.)
  4. Alternatively, you can’t go wrong with a red panda costume.
  5. Holy crap, you guys. Someone please start a blog where they do this when their dog takes naps.
  6. Speaking of dogs in costumes, I did enjoy these funny (and punny) ones.
  7. Don’t worry, cat lovers, I didn’t forget about you. Your felines can be sweet or salty this year. Your choice.
  8. Do you like pranks? *Insert disapproving Amy Poehler face here.*
  9. Anyway, Halloween is an excuse for culinary creativity. You could make these gummy spiders. Or you can just whip up a batch of Halloween sangria.

So wrong, yet so right:

In case you missed any of them, here are last week’s posts:

That’s all for now, pals. Any Howloween plans for the weekend?


Forget the shutdown with a muttdown

So, as you probably know, the U.S. government is busy doing this:

In times like these, I think we can all use a little cute to get us through the day. (After all, clever memes about the Mean Girls of Capitol Hill – while genius – can only do so much.)  A world full of closed doors isn’t very much fun, after all.


It feels a bit like we’re all on a really unpleasant merry-go-round.


Not only that, the situation is pretty uncertain. Who knows what will happen next?


With that in mind, I decided that a muttdown would be way better than any sort of shutdown. Let’s muttdown the shutdown! Who’s with me?

What exactly is a muttdown? Um… good question. I’m not quite sure, but If I had my way, we’d just replace the shutdown with bunch of puppies instead. Like this:


Or this:


Or maybe this:


In any event, if you’re affected by the shutdown (or even if it’s just bumming you out), might I recommend that you find a furry face to snuggle? Shut down your anxiety over the shutdown (at least for a few minutes) with a muttdown. It’ll do you good.

(That’s it! Henceforth and forevermore, using puppies to shut down your anxiety shall be known as a muttdown. With dog as my witness, I’ll never stop trying to make muttdown happen. No matter what Regina George says.)


Dogs of future (and Futurama) past

This week, I said goodbye to one of my favorite shows (for the third time). That’s right, today’s link roundup is inspired by Futurama.

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Turanga Fleala, Phillip J. Fly, Bender Codriguez, Hermes Conrat, Professor Mewbert Farnsworth, Amy Pawng, and Dr. Zoidbird.
  2. In addition to being one of my favorite shows, Futurama also delivered one of my favorite television episodes ever. (Seriously – I’m obsessed.) It’s titled “Jurassic Bark” – and I consider it mandatory viewing for anyone with a dog (or a heart). (Why did I let myself watch the ending again? Why? So many tears.)
  3. The canine star of “Jurassic Bark” is named Seymour. His full name is a pun. I love him unapologetically. (“His name was Seymour. He was once intimate with the leg of a wandering saxophonist. He had wet dog smell, even when dry. And he was not above chasing the Number 29 bus.”)
  4. I just want to hug him (and kiss him).


  5. Seymour popped up in some of the direct-to-DVD movies, and recently reappeared in an episode during the final season of Futurama. (By the way, if someone could provide me with a pocket-sized Seymour of my own, I’d be on cloud K9. See what I did there?)
  6. Dogs and space. We’ve talked about it before. What we haven’t talked about, however, is the similarities between dogs and Darth Vader.
  7. Anyway, enough about Seymour and space dogs (for now). Enjoy the cast of Futurama in sloth form.
  8. I wonder if these punny robots will be made by MomCorp.
  9. This dollhouse is amazing. Can someone make a similar one for Planet Express?

I guess the dog in today’s video is not a Star Trek fan. Maybe he would have enjoyed the Futurama theme song instead. It always makes me smile. (Jennifer Aniston gets it.)

When I was a kid, our Chihuahua Kandi would sometimes howl when I sang. As Randy Jackson might say… I guess I was pitchy, dawg.

In case you missed it, here’s what we were up to on the blog this week:

That’s all for today, friends. Commence two hour yipping session (but don’t mistreat your Robo Puppies or I’ll have to track you down).


Hold on to August a little longer with these 14 blog posts…

It’s time for another monthly roundup, so set aside some time to catch up on your reading. Here are a few posts that made me smile in the month of August: Continue reading


Forget MasterChef… how about HamsterChef?

I’m so ready for this three-day weekend. Bring it on!

  1. Up first, your punny pet names for this week: Nigella Pawson, Meowrio Batali, and Gordon Hamsay.
  2. Any other Top Chef Masters fans out there? I’m pulling for Chef (and certified dog trainer) Douglas Keane – how could I not? He’s competing for puppies! In particular, he’s donating any winnings to the Green Dog Rescue Project. (It’s an interesting model – any thoughts?)
  3. Sorry, other chefs… Dog Chef is still the cutest chef. (I know I shared it before, but it’s totally worth revisiting.)
  4. Dinner is great, but dinner and a show is even better.
  5. Speaking of shows, if you’re suffering from Game of Thrones withdrawal, soothe your sadness with these direwolf cake pops.
  6. If that’s not your thing, you could always order one of these dog cakes instead.
  7. Whatever you’re digging, I bet you can find it at the barkery.
  8. I’m going to need something to wash down all of that cake. What could it be? Oh, yeah. OH. YEAH. (I’m obsessed.)
  9. Don’t forget to provide some tasty options for your pups too – the family that dines together, doesn’t whine together. (Or something.)

Finally, today’s video is about enjoying your meals to the fullest:

Darn. Now I’m hungry. Thank goodness I already know what’s great for a snack.

If you missed it, here’s what was cooking on the blog this week:

(If you’re feeling so inclined, there’s still time to spice up the Dogs of Blogville calendar contest. You can vote for Ms. Bella until noon EST on Sunday.)


Please don’t stop the music…

It’s Friday, which means it’s time for your weekly (except when I’m being a slacker) dose of linky goodness:

  1. First up, this week’s punny pet names: Flea-ba McEntire and Justin Timbersnake. (Bonus pun: I want to hang a sign like this one in my house.)
  2. Sometimes I just want to take the midnight train going anywhere, don’t you?
  3. Maybe that’s how these cats got to Dream Town.
  4. On an unrelated note, I would totally buy tickets to see Downton Abbey’s boy band. (I think they might even outsell ‘N Sync.)
  5. As you can see, I’ve got music on the mind today. Enjoy this clip of Idina Menzel and Taye Diggs stealing my heart for the millionth time.
  6. I love animal odd couples – and as a bonus, this Corgibun story even comes with a musically inspired title. (Corgibuns is now the name of my hypothetical pet-friendly bakery.)
  7. Dogs know how to rock out.
  8. Did you happen to see Stephen Colbert’s “Get Lucky” video? If this clip doesn’t make you smile, I’m not sure I want to know you.

Speaking of songs that I couldn’t escape this summer…

Sorry… I couldn’t resist.

Anyway, for all of your music-related needs, I highly recommend that you visit Wesley Ryan’s Music Hub. This blog is written by a dear friend of mine, who has been my musical guru for years. (He also shares my love of misheard lyrics, things that make it rain on my facepop culture, and… well, everything really.)

In case you missed it, here’s what we were up to on the blog this week:

That’s all folks… happy Friday!


7 other things you could do with a puppy brother

Okay, so I’m assuming that most of you have seen the puppy brother commercial. If you haven’t, today’s post will probably make more sense if you watch this video first:

I like the way that girl thinks. However, if you’re unconvinced by her reasoning – although I think taking him to show and tell and saying, “hey everyone, here’s my puppy brother” is a solid justification – let’s talk. I don’t want you to miss out on something awesome. After all, what’s not to love about this idea?

Without further ado, here are seven other things you could do with a puppy brother: Continue reading
