Live from the blog, it’s Saturday Night Links!

Well, I really dropped the ball this week.  I posted a special edition of No Frown Friday on Tuesday, but that was not intended to take the place of my usual Friday link roundup.  I fully intended to post on Friday… but then Friday came… and went… and yet, I still didn’t post.  I meant to post – I really did.

I told myself I’d post something this morning instead… but then Saturday morning came… and went… and still no post.  It appears that I’ve fallen in a bit of a rut.  So, in order to atone for my posting sins, I’m sharing some links tonight, and plan to get back into the posting groove this week. Apparently, after posting every day in January, I’ve fallen off the wagon. Time to get back on…

  1. In light of the fact that it’s Presidents’ Day weekend, your punny pet name is Bite D. Eisenhowler.
  2. President Panda?  Why not?
  3. It’s time for some Talk Soup, puppy style.  Ann Curry chats up a dog on the Today Show, while the Good Morning America crew does a puppy on the street segment.
  4. However, those shows don’t hold a candle to Puppy Conan.  It’s genius.
  5. Bella doesn’t usually react to the various sounds that come from the computer… but she definitely perked up when I watched this adorable clip of a Pomeranian puppy.
  6. You know I can’t resist an animal odd couple (like this Corgi/duckling combo)… so I’m sure you will understand why I couldn’t resist this dog and her piglets either.
Speaking of animal odd couples, have you ever wondered what would happen if you combined a kitten and a Corgi?  Cue crickets… it’s okay, I’ve never wondered about it either, but I’m pretty sure this would be the result:

(via Best Week Ever)

Those eyes… that tail… it’s almost too cute to handle.  Almost.

It’s not Friday, but I hope you enjoyed this week’s links all the same.  It’s time for me to get out of this rut and whip this blog into shape!


Revenge of the nerds… and the nerdy cats

It’s Friday… time for some linkage to send you into the weekend with a smile!

  1. Your punny pet names are for a turtle and dog duo: Shelldon Cooper and Amy Farrah Howler.  (Continuing on the nerdy theme, you could also get a bird and name it Stephen Hawking – no punnification required.)
  2. Speaking of Mayim Bialik, did you ever watch Blossom?  If so, enjoy this story about Jenna von Oy (a/k/a Six) and her pug.
  3. Do you ever watch The Soup?  If so: (a) we should hang out; and (b) you will likely enjoy this Cat Soup parody.
  4. That last clip was a bit irreverent.  This koala was shocked.
  5. You know I love a good shelter photography story. This awesome collection of adorable adoptables is no exception.  
  6. This slideshow of pets on furniture is too cute.  (This one is my favorite.)
  7. Have you ever wanted to attend Hogwarts?  Well, I can’t get you in there (I’ve already called in all of my favors), but perhaps you should check out the Hovawart School of Witchcraft & Wizardry instead. I hear the Care of Magical Creatures class is fantastic.  (Also, I can’t resist a Harry Potter pun.)
  8. You know, I always wondered what made the Angry Birds so darn angry. Now we know.
Anyway, today’s video is cat-related (it’s been a cat kind of week, apparently). Honestly though, my first thought was that this is exactly what it would be like if Stephen Hawking were a cat instead of a human (hence #1 above).
(via Best Week Ever)

As a cat, he’d still be smarter than any of us (and we probably would have already welcomed those feline overlords I keep hearing about).

That’s all for today.  Have a great weekend, nerds!  (I consider that a term of endearment – I’m kind of nerdy myself, after all.)


Meatballs: the way to a dog’s heart?

Today’s video features George Clooney.  Why, you might ask?  First, he’s nominated for a Golden Globe for his role in The Descendants.  (Confession: I still need to see this one. I’m so behind!)  Second, because he rescued a dog (which earns instant awesome points in my book).  Finally, because it’s hard not to giggle when he talks about his unconventional technique for making sure that his rescue dog chose him

(via PetSugar)

I secretly hope that George Clooney is like the Swedish Chef, happily making meatballs in his kitchen to keep Einstein happy.

Who else will be watching the Globes tomorrow night?  I’ll be tweeting away, so feel free to join me if you’re also a pop culture/movie nerd.  I can’t wait!


Billy Joel, baby sloths & more…

Happy Friday! As usual, you’re Corgially Invited to take a moment to relax, smile, and wag your way into the weekend…

  1. First up, this week’s punny pet name: Ricky Grrr-vais.
  2. This weekend, I’ll be watching the Golden Globes – I hope that this dog walks the red carpet.  (Either way, he’ll be my choice for Best Actor.)
  3. Speaking of movies, I want all of these cakes. All of them. (Not to eat… just to gaze at lovingly.)
  4. I love this reference to Modern Family when talking about pet adoption (yay)!  Pop and pup culture combined… just awesome..
  5. Man, I never encounter any cool street art when I’m out walking.
  6. I couldn’t stop laughing while reading this post about Pinterest from Kol’s Notes.  (It really is an addiction.)
  7. Moving on… I’m awash in baby zoo animal links today. To start, I give you a baby monkey orphanage.
  8. Two words: baby koala.
  9. Not enough for you?  Fine… three words: baby polar bear.
  10. These lion cubs are taking a cue from Billy Joel and moving out. (Speaking of lions – it’s an animal odd couple alert, this time with a dog and a lion.)
Meanwhile, these baby sloths are taking the world’s most adorable bath (or close to it, anyway):
(via Best Week Ever)

Fluffy baby animals dining on flowers and snoozing away?  My work here is done. If that doesn’t send you into the weekend with a smile, nothing will.


I have a crush on the Travelers Insurance dog

I don’t know how I missed this ad during the holiday season (after all, I am mildly obsessed with the life and times of the Travelers Insurance dog).  I realize it’s a bit late to be sharing a Christmas ad… however, it made me smile, so I’m posting it anyway. You know you don’t mind…

There are even more ads online that I just discovered – one with a soapbox car and another involving a cat burglar. How am I not seeing these when I watch TV – have they been aired in your area?

Anyway, I was a bit curious about these ads and the canine thespian therein.  The dog who stars in these commercials is named Chopper.  This former shelter dog makes my day every time I see one of the ads.

His trainer, Sue Chipperton, even has her own blog, called Check the Gate.  (You may have seen one of her videos recently over at Life With Dogs, in fact.)  A few fun facts I learned from her blog:

My crush continues… Chopper is just too cute for words.  That’s all for today… see you tomorrow for the Pet Blogger Challenge!

Attack of the tiny tomatoes

It’s the first No Frown Friday of 2012… let’s jump right in!

  1. Your punny pet name: Meowrio Lopez.  (On a related Saved by the Bell note, can we all agree that Lark Voorhies would be the perfect name for a pet bird? No punnification needed.)
  2. Speaking of puns, these classic book covers updated with cats are fantastic.  I think Litterbox Five is my favorite.
  3. Apparently even those who profess to be anti-pun fall victim to them every now and then. I was honored to learn that one of my punny posts made Rescued Insanity’s list of eleven must-reads for 2011.
  4. This cat is way better than I am at Fruit Ninja.  I’m beginning to think all cats have secret video game skills
  5. I’m craving all of these pieces from Have you met Miss Jones.
  6. You know what you need? An awesome video. Lucky for you, this one over at No Dog About It is extra awesome.
  7. Is this the best dog-related picture of 2011? You be the judge.
  8. You know I love any excuse to break out my best nature show narrator voice (see, e.g., the Cave Dog). So I had to share this post from Something Wagging about the migratory patterns of the Fuzzy-Bellied Honey.  Don’t be ashamed to read it out loud, Discovery Channel style – I did.
  9. Enjoy some pretty and get a few photography tips courtesy of Alfie’s Blog.
  10. I adore animal odd couples.  This fawn and kitten just made my hall of fame.
Finally, I saw this video and just knew I had to share it.  My love of turtles and tortoises is well-documented.  The baby tortoise in today’s video reminds me of my own childhood turtles, George and George.  They loved tomatoes too.
(via Cute Overload)

I want to give this video a high five, in the style of these two awesome sea turtles.


It’s almost New Year’s Barkin’ Eve…

It’s the last No Frown Friday of 2011… let’s jump right in, shall we?

  1. Your final punny pet names of 2011 are a nod to a rockin’ New Year’s Eve… Dick Bark and Ryan Fleacreast.
  2. I want this Gizmo cake. A lot.  
  3. Since we’re strolling down Memory Lane yet again, enjoy this collection of ’90s heartthrobs. (I was a Jonathan Brandis girl myself… I wept salty SeaQuest tears when I heard he passed away a few years ago.  On a related note, now I want to write a parody called FleaQuest DSV.)
  4. You know I’m all about all-dog productions, including The Wizard of Oz. Thus, I want to get the pawtograph of these two munchkins.
  5. I bet that most pet lovers can relate to this graph.
  6. It’s no Ham Skillet, but I enjoyed this story about a dog named L.L. Bean.
  7. Speaking of adorable adoptables, did you read yesterday’s interview with my favorite shelter pet photographer?
  8. At this time of year, thoughts naturally turn to New Year’s resolutions. I don’t generally make any, but part of me wants to resolve to enjoy life as much as this cat does.
  9. Maybe you’re just resolving to work out more?  I think this cat would make a good trainer.
  10. This year, I want to do some more decorating around the house. Perhaps I can take some inspiration from these adorable pets in designer rooms.
  11. Ever wonder if dogs make New Year’s resolutions?  Cleo from Grouchy Puppy makes a pretty convincing case against them.
Whatever challenges you may face in the new year, I have four words of advice… 
Be like this puppy.

(via Life With Dogs)

Slay those challenges like a puppy slays a stuffed dragon.  You can do it.


I just like to smile. Smiling’s my favorite.

It’s time for another holiday edition of No Frown Friday.  I’ve got an overload of awesome linkage for you today… consider it my Festivus gift to you.

  1. Your punny pet name: Yukong Cornelius.
  2. Self-promotion alert!  I updated the baking blog this week.  Check out these candy cane cupcakes. Bella and I were also interviewed at Coffee with a Canine – swing by and say hi!
  3. Hey, girl… this video contains the cutest sleigh full of reindeer ever (although these guys are giving them a run for their money).  It also contains Ryan Gosling.
  4. Two words: puppy Christmas.  (A reminder, however – a pet shouldn’t be an impulse buy or a last-minute gift idea.)
  5. The title of this post is “Light the Meownorah” – that’s just awesome. (While I’m at it, here’s some more Ryan Gosling.)
  6. Speaking of brilliant names… Ham Skillet may be my new favorite dog name.
  7. An easy way to help shelter dogs this Christmas – toss a virtual Angry Bird at your friends.
  8. Still have gifts to wrap?  Maybe your dog can help.  (Be sure to wrap the gifts… not the cat.)
  9. If not, perhaps they can help you with the caroling instead.  (Feel free to go traditional or mix it up a bit.)
  10. Finally, just for fun… here are a few of my favorite pop culture things, including holiday TV, Christmas movies, and the best Christmas special ever.
Maybe next year I should videotape Bella’s Christmas card shoot…
That’s all I have for you today… although I do encourage you to answer the phone all weekend by saying, “Buddy the Elf, what’s your favorite color?
