Twilight: Barking Dawn?

Well, I’ve already offered you the punny names of Robert Cattison and Edward Seagullen, but I’ve never actually done a Twilight-themed link roundup. The last movie just came out, so I guess there’s no time like the present:

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Kristen Chewart and Taylor Pawtner.
  2. Anyone dressing up to go see the movie? If so, here’s an option you probably should not consider.
  3. Do your dogs ever play vampire-style? If so, they’d better watch out, or the Dogturi might come get them!
  4. I love a celeb with a cute dog.
  5. I’m not even sure what to do with this one. (While I’m at it… fake spoiler alert!)
  6. Thinking about vampires always makes me want to go reread Bunnicula. I can’t help it. (Speaking of, I think I just uncovered the secret behind my obsession with that series. It apparently continues, and it includes books in which Bunnicula meets Edgar Allen Crow and a trip to the Howliday Inn. That author just gets me.)
  7. Oooh… sparkly!
  8. In addition to sparkly vampires, Twilight also involves wolves. Speaking of wolves, here’s a great question I can’t believe I never thought to ask.
  9. Continuing down that trail, have you ever wondered what it would be like to live among the wolves?

Finally, I could totally get behind this movie:

So. Much. Yes.

So, are you going to see the movie? I’ll be taking it in with a few girlfriends in two weeks, once the opening night madness has calmed down a bit.


Adventures in Ad-purr-tizing

It’s that time again… this week, I have a purrfect roundup for you:

  1. Today’s punny pet names: Don Drapurr and Roger Purrling.
  2. Advertising using cats? You can’t go wrong with some good old fashioned catvertising. (It’s so totally a thing.)
  3. Why stop with advertising? Cats would totally create a monopoly and man (cat?) the phones as well to take your order. (Dear Cat Overlords: I would totally order a set of nesting cats.)
  4. Then they’d employ an army of canines to deliver the packages. (Cats would hire one of their own to do this job, but history has proven that cats are just too amazed by cars. They might make good bike messengers, but I hear that dogs are ready to step in there as well.)
  5. They would also pack the legislature with congresscats to help them get some valuable tuna subsidies. (Think I’m kidding?)
  6. This diabolical plan, however, only works if cats can stay awake long enough to implement it and clean up to make a good impression on investors.

I don’t think cats will be content with starting at the bottom and working their way up, however. They’re more suited to be the boss…

On a related note, I almost shared this video with you instead. I have no idea what it’s advertising, but it’s weirdly hypnotic.


Smells like dog spirit…

It’s time for your weekly dose of linkage…

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Paw Newman, Slobbert Redford, and Coco Kennel. (In other pun-related news, this blog completes me.)
  2. I think we can all use a little happy news this week. Here are some sweet images of pets being rescued after that terrible superstorm.
  3. Speaking of Sandy, this one is much more adorable.
  4. Let’s double down on that cuteness with some animals eating pumpkins.
  5. Cats in wigs! Also, cats bouncing! And grumpy cats! (Help me. I can’t stop.)
  6. I’m guessing that this kitten did not celebrate Halloween by bobbing for apples.
  7. It’s not all fun and games around here. How about a dose of dog science? (I agree with all of this except the bath part.)
  8. I think all legal disputes should be settled with puppy pictures. Deal?

Finally, I leave you with a word from today’s sponsor:

Happy Friday!


Paw Night Long

Yesterday, I promised you some Saturday Night Links. It’s time for me to deliver…

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Nigel Lythgrowle and Whinin’ L. Richie. (Also, enjoy this bonus punny action and the next installment of my continuing Lionel Richie obsession.)
  2. Speaking of puns (because I always am), I’m loving these street fliers… pages and pages of tearable puns!
  3. Possible new reality show: So You Think You Can See Puppies at a Dance Festival.
  4. It’s time for some pretty – enjoy these Wildlife Photographer of the Year winners.
  5. You know what else you need today? Puppies playing. You’re welcome.
  6. I bet this cat has some pointers on how to pick up chicks. Once you’ve mastered the art of the pickup, these dogs will teach you to take your date for a drive.

As always, we end with a video. With all apologies to Jewel, this video was meant for me, and I was meant for it.

Dancing Dog – watch more funny videos

I’ll take two cats, over easy…

It seems like a good day for a feline No Frown Friday.

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Ron Furgandy and Veronica Corningsbone. (Bonus: punny Halloween costumes!)
  2. Did you know that looking of photos of baby animals can make you more productive? Science said so! (Cats are also pretty productive… and adorable.)
  3. I bet watching a video of a cat and dog cuddling will result in record-high productivity.
  4. A cat and a box are a guaranteed recipe for success. I think some treats would be the appropriate reward.
  5. Are you up on your cat breeds? Here’s a handy (and silly) study guide.
  6. Maybe I should get a cat to give me advice about important things like whether to wear glasses or contacts. These dogs are no help.
  7. I don’t intend to weigh in regarding whether cats or dogs are more intelligent, but I do want to state that this video is funny.

Finally, I think could watch today’s video selection for hours. It’s just so… Zen:

Happy Friday!


Put a meerkat on it

It’s Friday once again… time for your weekly linkage!

  1. Your punny pet name: Wil Fleaton.
  2. Speaking of Wesley Crusher, here’s yet another reason to love Wil Wheaton.
  3. I may be wrong, but this video has convinced me that hedgehogs should start doing Dos Equis commercials.
  4. This chameleon is a neat freak after my own heart.
  5. Maybe put a cat on it will be the new put a bird on it… or maybe put a cat in it?
  6. I wish that Birdwalk Empire was a real show. (However, I would suggest naming the main character Ducky Thompson instead of Nucky Ducky Thompson, but that’s just me. Yes, these are the things I think about. Also, I’m beginning to think that my love of puns began with Sesame Street.)
  7. Goats on a seesaw! Enough said.
  8. I’m just going to say it. These baby meerkats complete me.

This meerkat is so me. And so Bella. And Tavish. Heck, this meerkat is all of us.

Am I right?

Also, any other baseball fans out there? I’ll be settling in to watch the Braves game tonight. My fingers are crossed that they win the Wild Card playoff game!


PuGyver: He can fix anything!

It’s time for some Friday linkage… but first, I have a special treat to share with you. I’m honored to have a guest post on Grouchy Puppy today. It’s called “5 Things You Shouldn’t Say to a Senior Dog Owner” – head over there and check it out!

Now, to the links:

  1. This week’s punny pet name: Digmund Freud (or Sighound Freud).
  2. You know I love Henri the cat – and now he’s back with a message for this political season. (Includes the phrase “castration without representation” – how could you resist?)
  3. I am unable to resist a good English major joke. And a good catch phrase.
  4. Did you catch the series on Freud and Fido over at Freud’s Butcher? Some very interesting stuff.
  5. Is your dog is a paradox too?
  6. These paintings of Darth Vader and other villains cuddling bunnies are awesome.
  7. A Nutella food truck? I want to go to there. Like right now.
  8. Cookie Monster and Grover parody some recent movies and TV shows. My inner child rejoices. Does yours?
  9. I just can’t stop… it’s TV theme songs galore! They’re all stuck in my head now, but it’s worth it.

Continuing on the TV theme song theme (yup, I said it), I’m sure you’ll understand why I couldn’t resist sharing today’s video:


(Bonus TV theme song – last week, I shared the Game of Thrones theme sung by a cat. In the interest of equal time, here’s a canine version.)


It’s not a Full House without a pet…

Today, we’re hopping in the Wayback Machine for another dose of nostalgia. (Mr. Peabody would approve.) By now, you should know that I just can’t help myself…

  1. First up, your punny pet name for this week: Lick Carter (see #8 below).
  2. Have you ever wondered what the lyrics to Ice Ice Baby mean? I’m going to guess that you have not. Nonetheless, I recommend that you stop, collaborate, and listen to Adam Scott explain them to you.  (I have now decided that I would like Adam Scott to explain all lyrics to me. Forever.)
  3. Obviously, Fraggles make everything better.  (Speaking of rock…)
  4. Remember Mr. Wizard? Apparently his social skills were not on a par with his science skills.  I kid, I kid
  5. If only I’d held on to a few liters of Crystal Pepsi, I’d be a hundredaire by now.
  6. This next one is not for the easily offended: Kanye’d by the Bell.
  7. Backstreet’s back… all right?

Well, I always knew Dylan McKay wasn’t such a bad boy. In fact, Luke Perry may have just won the hearts of animal lovers everywhere. Bonus: he’s not the only one. I love seeing stars from my youth promoting pet adoption:

On a related note, if Dylan and Kelly develop a sitcom together, I will choose it faster than Kelly chose herself. Or faster than Donna got drunk at prom. You know it.

On a related related note, remember when Brenda was in Heathers?

I’ll stop now.


Saturday Night Links: Cat Video Edition!

This week’s Friday link roundup is a tad late… so we’ll just call it a special installment of Saturday Night Links, okay?

  1. First up, your punny pet name: Aaron Purr.
  2. I know dogs like chew toys, but apparently cats do too. However, I wouldn’t recommend getting your cat one of these.
  3. I’m not really sure what’s happening here, but I wish I was relaxed as this cat.
  4. On a completely serious note, this cat is my new hero.  As is this guy.
  5. You know I can’t resist a great Game of Thrones reference. (After all, a Lannister always spays his pets.) As such, I obviously enjoyed this video of a cat singing the theme song.
  6. Speaking of cat videos, did you know that there is a whole festival devoted to the topic? Here’s a first-hand account.
  7. It’s time to take cat videos to the next level – play with shelter cats online when you’re looking to adopt!

Finally, today’s video is about an otter. Just kidding. It’s obviously about a cat. Don’t blink or you might miss him.

(via Bunny Food)

So, there you have it – enough cat videos to keep you busy for a while. If not, then just stare into this drawer of kittens until you’re satisfied.


Rocky Mountain high…

I’ve been on vacation for the past week… although I managed to schedule a few posts during my absence, I didn’t have a chance to get this week’s No Frown Friday together. I hope you’ll forgive me – instead, today I’ll share a few photos from my vacation so that you can see what I was up to.  Continue reading
