Finding Waldo

The following video is thought-provoking.

(via Best Week Ever)

The thoughts that it provoked:

  • All bookshelves should come with a sleeping kitten.
  • Okay, maybe not all bookshelves, but I’d prefer to have the option.
  • If IKEA offered this option, I bet it would have some weird name like “Scratchunsnift.”
  • His name is Waldo.  I cannot think of a more perfect kitten name.
  • I mean, seriously.  “Hey honey, where’s Waldo?”  The hilarity is built right in.
  • If I had a cat named Waldo, he’d definitely need a red and white striped sweater to wear on occasion.
  • Can someone remake this video while said kitten is in fact wearing a red and white striped sweater?
  • I wonder if Bella would be willing to wear a red and white striped sweater like Waldo’s dog Woof?
  • She barely tolerates clothes as it is, so probably not.
  • You’d think Waldo wouldn’t be so hard to find given his distinctive clothing choice.
  • Who is harder to find: Waldo or Carmen Sandiego?
  • That Carmen Sandiego theme song sure was catchy.  Wonder what happened to Rockapella?
  • Apparently they’re on tour
  • This comic is genius.

I never promised the thoughts would be deep ones.
