Children make terrible pets (and I make terrible puns)

While visiting my in-laws last weekend, I accompanied my sister-in-law on an errand to the teacher supply store. (It was my very own Journey to the Center of Educational Worth.) Have you ever been in one of these places? For my readers who teach, I’m sure it’s old hat. For me, it was like peeking behind the curtain in the Emerald City and seeing the real Wizard of Oz.

I’d never really stopped to consider where all of those bulletin board displays, charts, and classroom signs came from. (Magic? Elves?) Now I know – they come from a store that has every school supply you can imagine, as well as hundreds that you cannot. Continue reading


Your Friday cute: Double or puffin?

I know I’ve been remiss with my weekly link roundups lately, so today’s is packed full of linkage to send you smiling into the weekend…

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Thorin Croakenshield and Bilbo Waggins. (Bonus: Meowly Cyrus and J.R.R. Tolkitten, courtesy of this pun-filled link. I won’t lie – I’m kind of annoyed at myself for not coming up with the latter.)
  2. Speaking of puns, please enjoy the whole enchihuahua!
  3. I want to throw a puppy party. I don’t know what the occasion will be, but the theme will (of course) be puppies. Who’s in?
  4. I have a tendency to declare that something is my spirit animal quite often. Like once a week. Or twice a day. Anyway, I would declare this frog my spirit animal, but I think it would be more appropriate to appoint him my new life coach.
  5. Take note: this is how you make an entrance.
  6. Holy cuteness, Batman! It’s a puffin chick! I wonder what they’ll name her. Perhaps Arianna Puffington? Or Hillary Puff? (Note: I decided to Google “Puffington Post” to see if it such a thing existed, and if so, if it was a blog dedicated to puffins. In case you’re wondering, the answers are: yes… and a resounding NO.  It’s more likely to appeal to hardcore fans of this movie. I naively did not see that coming.)
  7. Speaking of baby puffins, apparently they’re actually known as pufflings. Amazing. (From this same link, I also learned that a group of ferrets is called a business, which may be the coolest name for a group of animals ever. It might even edge out a grumble of pugs. I need to think on it.)

Anyway, putting that important debate aside for a moment (stay tuned), it’s time for this week’s video:

I have the urge to script dialogue for this whole thing. What do puffins talk about?

Finally, in case you missed it, here’s what we were up to on the blog this week:

That’s all for today, folks. Telling me your favorite word for a group of animals or dreaming up some puffin dialogue in the comments is highly encouraged.


Your Friday cute: Red Panda-monium

I realize it’s been somewhat quiet on the blog lately. Unlike the inspiration for today’s post, I didn’t make a run for it. I’ve just been a bit tired lately (although my yawns are nowhere near as adorable as these), so I gave myself permission to slack a little.

Enough rest, however… it’s time for some panda-monium, of the red variety:

  1. First up your punny pet names: Panda Sykes and Bamboo Rawls.
  2. Three words: baby red pandas.
  3. Listen buddy, be careful who you call cute and cuddly. Watch your back.
  4. Confession: sometimes I like to just reread this post and pretend that the pandas really are happy to see me.
  5. Work out? Eh, I would be much more likely to go to the gym if my fellow patrons looked like this.
  6. Red pandas are so expressive. They were made for posts like this one.
  7. I’m not sure if it keeps the doctor away, but I hope that an apple a day makes the red panda stay.
  8. I think this red panda might be Bella’s cousin. (And this one might be Tavish’s. As well as this one. Geez.)
  9. This next link has me thinking that I need to expand Tavish’s wardrobe. (Kidding. Sort of. I do think he could rock this look. I also think he might want to disown me if I tried it.)
  10. Couldn’t we all use a red panda hug?

Finally, today’s video is a concentrated dose of pure cuteness:

In case you missed it, here’s what we were up to on the blog this week:

Have a great weekend!


Bloggers are kind of like cicadas

We’ve talked about cicadas on the blog before. However, while reflecting upon my recent BlogPaws experience, it hit me. While I can’t speak for bloggers in general, I think I’ve stumbled upon an interesting discovery: pet bloggers are kind of like cicadas.


Now, before you get bent out of shape, obviously there are some differences. None of the pet bloggers that I have met are freaky bugs with orange eyes. (If you are an actual cicada who maintains a pet blog, please give me a call. Or an email. I’m not sure which technology you prefer. However, I have so many questions for you. First, what kind of pet does a cicada have? A fruit fly? How do you type? Do you just hop from key to key? How do you want me to pronounce your name? Did you start life as a cicada or was it some sort of Kafka thing? Oh, and sorry for that “freaky” comment. No hard feelings?)

Continue reading


Dog cuisine: cicada or nada?

The title of this post was almost “you say ci-cay-da, I say Secada.”

Anyway, on to more pressing matters. It’s cicada season in parts of Virginia. Thus, if you live in the area or will be visiting, you may want to be on the lookout for these noisy insects. The season is just getting started, but before long they’ll be everywhere. Seriously… everywhere. In fact, to mutilate a classic song: “If you’re going to be at BlogPaws, you just might find a cicada in your hair.” If that happens, try not to panic. It’ll be okay. Continue reading


Interspecies baby mama drama

Happy Friday! Let’s get to today’s linkage (which I must admit is not actually filled with baby mama drama… just several animal baby mamas).

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Furman Bates and Bone Crawford.
  2. That’s right. Those are my holiday-themed puns for this week. Okay, fine. Enjoy these photos of cute animal moms. Happy now?
  3. Moving on… this guy gives new meaning to the word sheepdog.
  4. Speaking of interspecies pals (as I almost always am), sometimes an animal adopts a different kind of animal. When that happens, cuteness is the guaranteed result.
  5. No, really. It’s absolutely guaranteed. Adorbs.
  6. Apple Moonbeam is an awesome name. That’s just a fact. (Also a fact? I could never adopt a squirrel in need, as Tavish would simply think I’d finally brought the appetizers inside instead of letting them taunt him from afar.)
  7. Um, guys? I think I’m melting over here.

Finally, we end with a video. I think I could watch this all day:

Still need more? Enjoy:

Obviously, today’s theme was partially inspired by Mother’s Day. This weekend, I’ll be remembering the wonderful lady who made me into the woman I am today. To those of you also making due with a memory, I’m sending you a giant hug.  


May the Fourth be with ewe

I didn’t finish today’s No Frown Friday post yet… and now I have house guests. So, while I’m off enjoying their company, I figured I’d make it up to you by sharing tomorrow’s post today. (Yes, tomorrow’s post was done before today’s. I rarely manage to do things in a linear fashion.)

Anyway, here’s some money. Go see a Star War.

I feel like that ended way too soon. I demand a sequel.

In the meantime, here’s a fun fact: when you search YouTube for “star wars sheep” (as I’m sure everyone does from time to time), this video also comes up:

I mean, it’s not really about sheep, so we’ll just classify it as what Bob Ross would have called a “happy accident.”

May the Fourth be with ewe.


The Rhino Force is strong with this one…

I have no words.

The cute is almost too much to handle.

Speaking of rhinos (as one does), you should head over to Tiny n Fit to read her recent post about visiting South Africa. She shares some sobering facts about rhino poaching, as well as some ways that you can help. (Spoiler: you don’t even have to leave your house, although you can if you want.) Finally, you can enter to win a cool Rhino Force bracelet (ends Monday).

What are you waiting for?


You put the lime on the pup-o-nut…

No Frown Friday is back, baby!

  1. First up, your punny pet name: John Stamouse. (Bonus: I love a punny dog business.) (Double bonus: Colonel Meow!)
  2. The specials at this pizza place are a work of genius. I want to go to there… although then I might never want to leave. I am in awe. I mean, I almost didn’t finish writing this post because I wanted to read them all. (It’s hard to pick a favorite, but here’s a dog-related one for your enjoyment.)
  3. I’m not too proud to admit that this next link cracked me up. It’s a list of celebrity names that are also sentences. I think I just found a new party game.
  4. Have you seen the new someecards for pet lovers? I think that this one might be my favorite.
  5. Well, my dogs are often hungry like the wolf, so I guess this all adds up. (Wondering if that Duran Duran reference was intentional? Stop wondering.)
  6. I loved this video about an adorable therapy dog. You go, dog Koko.

Finally, here’s this week’s video:

Have a fantastic weekend!


Imitation is the sincerest form of insanity

Today’s post is inspired by my pal Kristine from Rescued Insanity. She recently shared some common search terms that led people to her blog. The results were pretty entertaining. (Go check them out… I’ll wait. Funny, right?)

They (?) say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. So, I’ve decided to flatter the heck out of Kristine today and steal borrow get inspired by her idea.

Anyway… to the search terms!

In not-shocking news, a lot of people end up here by searching for “punny dog names” or “punny cat names” (and occasionally, for “punny animal names”). One day, I truly hope to become the preeminent website for ridiculously punny names. A gal can dream, after all.

“it’s funny how people twist words” – I hope so, as that’s my bread and butter.

“pet names for hairy men” – I wonder if one of my punny pet names was of use. I’m not sure if I’m flattered or frightened that this searcher ended up here.

“What kind of dog is in the Travelers commercial?” – Apparently, this question has haunted many an Internet searcher. I noticed a ton of variations on this question. Chopper the dog is spreading the word about the awesomeness of the mixed breed. Mutts unite!

“sunshine on my puppy” – Makes me happy…

Vintage Bella

“bella freud and husband” – I’m just going to help you out by leaving this link here.

“frowning quokka” – I don’t know if you’ve ever seen a quokka, but I’m not sure they are capable of frowning.

“same love gay dog” and “gay dog love.blogspot” – Well, I know why these two led you here, although the structure of your search terms puzzles me a bit. (Someone also found this site by searching “gay jude collin the pirata” – I have no idea what that means.)

“Why do you tilt your head when you are confused” and “why do we tilt our heads when confused to the right” – Because it seems to work for the dogs, so I thought I’d give it a try.

“power stones fan” – In fact, I’m tilting my head right now.

“my mom signs to my dog” – Pics or it didn’t happen.

“dog chewed letters on name tag. can’t read” and “dog walker didn’t show” – I am sorry to hear both of those things, but I’m not sure how I can help you… although I might suggest you get both a new name tag and a new dog walker.

“panties in a bunch better words” – I’m glad to see I’m not the only nerdy person who thinks about this stuff.

“self carrying dog blanket” – I smell a million-dollar idea. Any leads on a self-carrying poop bag? I’m placing my order right now.

“hello is it” – this blog you’re looking for? (I think this search term delighted me the most. I wonder how many confused Lionel Richie fans end up here.)

“buy goose northern Virginia” – All those goose puns are finally catching up with me, I guess. I do not actually run an underground goose market, however.

“northern Virginia bunnies for photographers” – I assume there’s some photographer out there looking for a few good bunny models? Unfortunately, if I do have a bunny modeling agency, it is only imaginary (much like the second season of Models, Inc.).

“massage on Thanksgiving” – You’re barking up the wrong tree, bud.

“professor Garfield” – Given that I only talk about the cat, I have a feeling that this blog was not the professor you were looking for. (I do enjoy the search terms containing some variation on the Garfield “down doobie doo down down” comic.)

list of puns furrever eggcelent” – Now this one makes sense to me.

“why does every kid want a puppy?” – Um, because they’re awesome. Why don’t you just ask me why every kid wants ice cream?

“tell me more about puppies” – Happy to be of service. Pull up a chair and start surfing the archives. You might be here a while.

“no you love puppies and cupcakes” – Why, yes. Yes I do. I never claimed otherwise.

“I still highly want to” – I got nothin’. Follow your dreams. You can reach your goals.

Swing by Rescued Insanity (if you didn’t do so already, even though I told you I’d wait) to see what terms Kristine shared and to check out some funny terms in the comments. Then share your funny search terms below!
