A canine dream come true…

I’ve got some good stuff for you today. Happy weekend, pals!

  1. First up, your punny pet name: Dingo Starr. (Bonus pun!)
  2. All news coverage would be improved by the inclusion of canine camera operators. I’m just saying.
  3. Cool adoption posters… or the coolest adoption posters?
  4. If you’ve ever wondered what it looks like when Tavish gives kisses, these photos are a pretty good approximation.
  5. Simply put… I’m charmed.
  6. Remember Bella’s intelligence test? Maybe I should try that one out on Tavish. In any event, apparently there’s now a whole website devoted to helping you find out if your dog is smarter than your average Bella.
  7. I need an excuse to throw this party.
  8. This collection of Daria quotes makes me want to ignore my to do list and just have a Daria marathon all weekend. Is that allowed?
  9. These mascots put aside their rivalry to focus on their similarities. Human beings, take note. Why can’t we all just get along?

Finally, I give you this week’s video:

That, my friends, is the kind of weekend I wish for you.


Animal odd couples are the best kind of couples

It’s time for another No Frown Friday. (I also hope that this post heralds the return of regular posting. I’ve been down with the count due to allergies this week. Allergies in February. What is this world coming to?)

  1. First up, your punny pet names are Grammy-inspired: TayRoar Swift, Hairy Underwood, and LL Drool J.
  2. The Grammy performances occasionally include some surprising duos… so, today’s theme is odd couples. We can learn so much from these unconventional pairings.
  3. Let’s kick it off with a dog and a kangaroo. Maybe I’ll give some of them a celebrity couple name too, like Brangelina. I’ll call these two… Dogaroo. (Not to be confused with the Lemaroo, of course.)
  4. Speaking of Brangelina, this Swiss Shepherd took a cue from Angelina and adopted some tiger cubs. Squee.
  5. Now this… this is friendship.
  6. Is this video an example of what they call sitting in the catbird seat?
  7. I heard that this cat and rabbit (Cabbit) are wearing matching BFF necklaces. (I wonder if kids these days still wear those.)
  8. The owl and the pussycat are on Facebook. Everyone’s getting into the social media game. They shall dance by the light of the computer monitor.
  9. A dog hanging out with a lamb? There’s mutton weird about that. (Groan.)
  10. It’s like a Disney classic come to life. Behold, the fox… and the cat?
  11. This clip of a leopard and a baby baboon (Leopaboon) is sweet, yet rather sad (especially considering the backstory). Insert tissue warning here.
  12. Quoth the raven, “Why is this crow feeding a cat and a dog?”

The dog below is a true hero. The look he gives the camera reminds me of the look Bella gives me when she’s putting up Tavish.

Adorbs. You just know that those kittens are going to be this cat when they grow up. It’s all in good fun, right?


No Frown Friday: “What is a weekend?” edition

It’s time for another Friday link roundup, although I’m sure the Dowager Countess would wonder what makes that so darn special.

  1. Today’s punny pet names: Waggy Smith and Kelly Barkson. (Have I used that last one before? I don’t think so, but that is surprising. I’m a huge Kelly fan.)
  2. Speaking of puns, I can’t decide which is my favorite of these. (Though I think it might be #9.)
  3. Dog or lion? You be the judge.
  4. I’ll be watching the Golden Globes and spending my Sunday evening with my imaginary best friends Tina and Amy. (Not that they are imaginary… just that my being best friends with them is a figment of my overactive imagination.) What about you?
  5. If MTV ever makes True Life: I’m Addicted to Awards Shows, they should totally give me a call. Anyway… enjoy these honest titles for Oscar-nominated movies.
  6. You know, I always wondered where kittens came from. Now I know.
  7. Say hi to your weather forecast for me.
  8. On an unrelated note (as if the others were actually related), I want all of these cakes. All of them. Bring them to me!
  9. I’m beginning to think that I’ll never get tired of hilarious auto-corrects. Perhaps it’s a new addiction to add to my awards show one.
  10. Houndton Tabby? Yes, please.

Speaking of Downton Abbey, I feel like the following parody would make a great cat food commercial.

I also have a fun bit of news to share with you today. Much like these dogs, I’m already thinking about the Super Bowl (and our annual Super Bowl party). In related news, did you know that the Puppy Bowl includes hedgehogs this year? Hedgehogs. Amazing.

Anyway… in years past, I’ve participated in the Super Dog Sunday blog hop. This year, I’ve been invited to be a member of the Cheer Team to promote this year’s Super Dog Sunday photo contest, which will benefit the Petfinder Foundtion. I’ll be posting more info soon, but you can go here to get a little preview if you just can’t wait. Stay tuned…


Meet the happiest dog in the world

Yesterday, I met Tavish’s doppleganger. (By “met”, I obviously mean that I read this article on the Interwebs. Close enough, right?)

Have you ever heard of a Quokka? The Quokka is an Australian mammal that’s roughly the size of a domestic cat (which also makes it roughly the size of Tavish).

Seriously, though… the resemblance is uncanny.


Source: Flickr user ceetap

Happy Tavish


Source: Flickr user kieranmcglone



Source: Flickr user neoporcupine

IMG_0203 - Version 2

Quokka in the grass on the side of the road.

Source: Flickr user fvanrenterghem


See what I mean?


Fourteen furry reasons to smile

As usual, my monthly roundup is just a little bit late. (You also may have noticed that No Frown Friday was missing yesterday – I’ve been having some technical difficulties, so you’ll get that soon as well. I promise.)

Anyway, I hope you don’t mind too much. Enjoy this roundup of posts from November that put a big smile on my face:

  1. Dear Fourteen Year Old Me from Rescued Insanity – A beautiful post.
  2. Like Herding Cats from Tales and Tails – Behind the scenes of a canine photo shoot,  humor awaits.
  3. Felix, I Swear the Camera Won’t Steal Your Soul from Kol’s Notes – Speaking of amusing photo shoots…
  4. Brooks Says, Adopt a Senior Dog from Peggy’s Pet Place – Can’t argue with that. (In case you’re not yet convinced, read this post from Something Wagging.)
  5. A Couple of Blondes Take a Thanksgiving Walk from Yikes! Loy Turns 60 – I know that sounds like the opening line to the joke, but this story had me smiling from ear to ear.
  6. Why I’ll Never Own a Dog Again from Something Wagging This Way Comes – You know I love thinking about words. How do you describe your relationship with your dog? (This post in response from Rescued Insanity is pretty interesting too.)
  7. 295/365: Babushka? from Life with LuLu & Wally Too! – Honestly, this one just cracked me up.
  8. Monday Mischief: Christmas List Mischief from My Brown Newfies – Being a reindeer for a day is a totally reasonable request, right?
  9. Live: Turkeys on Ice! More Fun Than in Your Freezer from This One Wild Life – I would like to request a TV channel devoted to the happenings in Kim’s yard.
  10. Six Tips for Photographing Dogs With Any Camera from kate with a camera – Several great tips here… check ’em out!
  11. Dogton Abbey Blog, Things Are Getting Crabby Down At The Abbey Episode 4! from  Molly the Wally – Pamela from Something Wagging turned me on to this one. Go read the whole series!
  12. A Wienerholic Family Christmas from My Life with Wieners – This post makes traveling with Bella sound tame.
  13. Friday Funny! Video: Dog loves automatic ball throwing machine from Dakota’s Den – Tavish totally needs one of these.
  14. If You Give a Nutty Pet Blogger Some Cheap Holiday-Themed Accessories from Target from Chronicles of Cardigan – Hilarious as always.

That’s all, folks! Stay tuned for December – I’ll try to get that one to you before February. No promises, though.


Smiling’s my favorite!

As I recently mentioned, I’m well behind on my monthly roundups. However, let’s just consider this belated October installment an early Christmas gift. (By that logic, I’m actually ahead of the game.)

Anyway, I believe that Buddy the Elf would totally support me sharing these posts guaranteed to make you smile. Enjoy. If you need me, I’ll be enjoying selections from the four main food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corns and syrup. Continue reading


The one with a lot of Friends nostalgia

I’ve got Friends on the brain today. Why? Well, I meant to do a post about Thanksgiving TV specials, but I didn’t get it up in time. I did make sure to get in my traditional viewing of the Garfield and Peanuts specials yesterday, and I started thinking about other Thanksgiving TV. I’ve always really enjoyed all of the Friends Thanksgiving episodes. Thus, today’s theme was born…

  1. First up, your punny pet name: Phoebe Ruffay.
  2. The Internet was not helping me out with many Friends-related puns, so this one will have to do. (The name of the show is just too darn generic.)
  3. Speaking of TV-related puns, this one gave me the giggles.
  4. I’m not done with the punny goodness just yet. The menu at this fictional restaurant did me in. Joint custardy!
  5. Grumpy cat, grumpy cat… what are they feeding you? Grumpy cat, grumpy cat… it’s not your fault.
  6. Did you eat too much yesterday? Perhaps it left you feeling lethargic… even slothful? This video of a real baby sloth will make you feel better.
  7. Have you seen the “Least Likely to Be Adopted” Project? Awesome. These dogs could use some good friends.

Finally, here’s today’s video:


Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Smells like dog spirit…

It’s time for your weekly dose of linkage…

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Paw Newman, Slobbert Redford, and Coco Kennel. (In other pun-related news, this blog completes me.)
  2. I think we can all use a little happy news this week. Here are some sweet images of pets being rescued after that terrible superstorm.
  3. Speaking of Sandy, this one is much more adorable.
  4. Let’s double down on that cuteness with some animals eating pumpkins.
  5. Cats in wigs! Also, cats bouncing! And grumpy cats! (Help me. I can’t stop.)
  6. I’m guessing that this kitten did not celebrate Halloween by bobbing for apples.
  7. It’s not all fun and games around here. How about a dose of dog science? (I agree with all of this except the bath part.)
  8. I think all legal disputes should be settled with puppy pictures. Deal?

Finally, I leave you with a word from today’s sponsor:

Happy Friday!


Paw Night Long

Yesterday, I promised you some Saturday Night Links. It’s time for me to deliver…

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Nigel Lythgrowle and Whinin’ L. Richie. (Also, enjoy this bonus punny action and the next installment of my continuing Lionel Richie obsession.)
  2. Speaking of puns (because I always am), I’m loving these street fliers… pages and pages of tearable puns!
  3. Possible new reality show: So You Think You Can See Puppies at a Dance Festival.
  4. It’s time for some pretty – enjoy these Wildlife Photographer of the Year winners.
  5. You know what else you need today? Puppies playing. You’re welcome.
  6. I bet this cat has some pointers on how to pick up chicks. Once you’ve mastered the art of the pickup, these dogs will teach you to take your date for a drive.

As always, we end with a video. With all apologies to Jewel, this video was meant for me, and I was meant for it.

Dancing Dog – watch more funny videos