Aye, there’s the rub…

I planned to sit down and write today’s post after dinner. (So far, my #NaBloPoMo has been defined by a failure to plan ahead.) However, while eating dinner, I heard the news about Robin Williams. He died today at the age of 63, due to an apparent suicide.  As I sit down to write tonight’s post, I find myself unable to write about my originally planned topic.  Continue reading


Your dog agrees: you cannot be replaced

This week is National Suicide Prevention Week. With that in mind, I just want to share a simple message here today:


I mean it. You cannot be replaced. If you don’t believe me, just ask your dog. Chances are, that furry face would be lost without you. In fact, I’m sure there are a host of reasons why you are simply irreplaceable.

I won’t say much more here today, but I did want to share a few links/resources.

A heavy post, I realize. I’ll bring the funny tomorrow.
