It’s time for your weekly dose of linkage…
- First up, your punny pet names: Paw Newman, Slobbert Redford, and Coco Kennel. (In other pun-related news, this blog completes me.)
- I think we can all use a little happy news this week. Here are some sweet images of pets being rescued after that terrible superstorm.
- Speaking of Sandy, this one is much more adorable.
- Let’s double down on that cuteness with some animals eating pumpkins.
- Cats in wigs! Also, cats bouncing! And grumpy cats! (Help me. I can’t stop.)
- I’m guessing that this kitten did not celebrate Halloween by bobbing for apples.
- It’s not all fun and games around here. How about a dose of dog science? (I agree with all of this except the bath part.)
- I think all legal disputes should be settled with puppy pictures. Deal?
Finally, I leave you with a word from today’s sponsor:
Happy Friday!
Definitely agree with number 8!
I second the agreement with number 8!
Jackie Bouchard recently posted..Frosty Paw Winners!
LOL – loved them all but I have to say a dose of dog science did me in. 🙂
And the video. Kennel No. 5. Love.
Leslie recently posted..Wordless Wednesday 63 – Trick or treat?
Dog science was noteworthy and shareworthy. And yet #8 was off the wall – what a great find!! Thank you =)
Mary E Haight (@dancingdogblog) recently posted..Steve Dale is On Board – Animal Cafe Team Barks Out Loud!
I aim to please. 🙂
Effective immediately, all disputes at Casa de Kolchak are being settled with puppy pictures. I love it.
Kolchak, Felix & Jodi recently posted..Separation Anxiety Rears It’s Ugly, Nasty Head
Sounds like a good plan to me!
That dog did a far better job than Bard Pitt, that’s for sure!
Karen Friesecke recently posted..Dog A Day Project – Rule Breaker