Adopt your very own unicorn…

…or, you know, a dog named Unicorn. But you can call her Corny. (I can relate. I’m pretty corny myself.)

In any event, the following video is rated U for Unicorn.

I didn’t quite get the weird dude at the end, but what can you do? It’s not like I’ve gone out and made my own parody adoption video, after all. He’s still coming out ahead of Sarah McLachlan. Humor always wins over soul-crushing depression.

Speaking of unicorns, I wish that Corny had rocked a unicorn costume somewhere in there. Thank goodness that my other favorite Bella has anticipated my needs. She knew what I needed before I even knew myself.

Also, speaking of being corny… thanks to those of you who totally appreciate my special brand of rambling nonsense. To you I say…


Hope you had a great Halloween… I’m off to celebrate by watching a few of my favorite specials! (The dogs are not in costume, but they’ll more than make up for that at our Christmas card shoot.) Unicorn wishes and rainbow dreams, my friends…


It’s the Great Pumpkin, Snarly Brown!

It’s time for some Friday linkage, Howloween style…

  1. First up, your punny pet names: Sheddy Krueger, Snarly Brown, Goosey VanPelt, and Peppermint Catty.
  2. Apparently, all movies are horror movies at heart. Who knew?
  3. So, what are you dressing up as this year? If you’re in need of an idea, might I recommend one of these options? (Whatever you do, just promise me you’re not going as a sexy antelope or sexy Marie Curie or anything like that. That’s right, I’m giving you the side eye, sexy giraffe and sexy fox.)
  4. Alternatively, you can’t go wrong with a red panda costume.
  5. Holy crap, you guys. Someone please start a blog where they do this when their dog takes naps.
  6. Speaking of dogs in costumes, I did enjoy these funny (and punny) ones.
  7. Don’t worry, cat lovers, I didn’t forget about you. Your felines can be sweet or salty this year. Your choice.
  8. Do you like pranks? *Insert disapproving Amy Poehler face here.*
  9. Anyway, Halloween is an excuse for culinary creativity. You could make these gummy spiders. Or you can just whip up a batch of Halloween sangria.

So wrong, yet so right:

In case you missed any of them, here are last week’s posts:

That’s all for now, pals. Any Howloween plans for the weekend?


What’s your favorite holiday special?

I know everyone loves It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown (and if I drew you a Venn diagram right now, a tiny circle labeled “me” would appear within that larger circle labeled “everyone”). However, I have to admit that there’s a Halloween special that beats it for me. Any guesses? Hint: it stars a big fat Halloween cat

Revisiting this one made me wonder – what’s your favorite holiday special? I tend to think that Halloween kind of kicks off the holiday season, so feel free to talk Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, or any other holiday that floats your boat.

Here’s a few (non-exhaustive) lists to get you started: Halloween specials, Thanksgiving specials, and Christmas specials. (Disclaimer: in my book, any list that doesn’t include the Garfield special for the holiday in question is not complete.)

I do love holiday TV (as my viewing habits during the next two months will reflect), so my list could go on and on. Feel free to discuss your favorites in the comments and perhaps I’ll share some of them during the holiday season! I’ll also tell you more about my favorite Thanksgiving and Christmas specials too as the dates get closer. Time to get into the holiday spirit!


Happy Halloween from the Cone Ranger

When she’s not being a flashlight, I like to think that Bella is dressed in costume as the Cone Ranger.  Accordingly, here’s a video of her in “costume” for your Halloween enjoyment (especially since I already shared my favorite Halloween song on Saturday).  I’d recommend watching this one with the sound on to get the full benefit of the soundtrack. Poor Cone Ranger – life on Coney Island is full of challenges.

Hi-Yo, Salamander! Away!

Seriously, she was so full of energy last week (when I shot this footage) that her crazy was at an all time high. We’ve managed to institute some “cone breaks” into her schedule, which seems to help.  While supervised, she seems to – mostly – be leaving her incision alone.  She’s still all coned up at night and when home alone, however.  I don’t trust her that much yet.

Hope you have a great Halloween!


A big fat Halloween cat

It’s no secret… I love Garfield.  So, in honor of Halloween, I wanted to share my favorite song from Garfield in Disguise (which I think has since been renamed, but I’m old school like that).

(Seriously, why was it renamed to Garfield’s Halloween Adventure?  Was it that hard to connect the dots that “in disguise” might refer to a Halloween costume?  Moving on…)

There’s some weird box in the middle (I don’t edit ’em; I just find ’em).  However, you can hover over it and then click the X to get rid of it..

So what will you be?  Happy Halloween!


Those better be some good treats

It’s almost time to watch Halloween cartoons!  (Yes, I am five.)  I do love It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown – however, for my favorite special, I have to break out the DVD player.  Which one is that, you might ask?  Garfield, of course.  What’s yours?

Anyway, before I do that, I owe you some Halloween linkage.  Enjoy…

  1. This week’s punny pet names are inspired by my friend Coney McConerson: Conan O’Whinin’, Ichabod Cone and Cone Crawford.  (I’ve also added a few new nicknames for my Coney Island friend. One of my favorites?  The Cone Ranger.)
  2. Looking for an easy Halloween treat this weekend?  Try making this candy cane bark I shared over on the baking blog.
  3. Halloween is Monday… which means it’s the last Friday that I can share Halloween costumes this year.  Let’s start with 6 awesome dog costumes inspired by food.
  4. Those photos were taken at the 21st Annual Tompkins Square Halloween Dog Parade.  Want more?  I aim to please.
  5. Remember that awesome collection of cat costumes from last week?  Now there’s one for dogs too.
  6. Still haven’t figured out a costume for your pup?  Lucky you – Doggie Stylish has a ton of ideas and tutorials!  Or perhaps you’d prefer something simple? (Whatever you choose, make sure to follow these safety tips from To Dog With Love.)
  7. Bella’s not so into pumpkin carving… maybe she’s just intimidated by the skills of these carving creatures.
  8. Speaking of pumpkins, these Dog O’Lanterns from PupLove and Gardening with Wyatt are pretty awesome.
  9. Don’t feel like carving? It’s not necessary for maximum cute.  Exhibit A: some photos of pooches hanging out with pumpkins

Finally, this week’s video:

I hope that you have a wonderful Halloween weekend!


The accidental Halloween costume

It’s time for the big reveal.  What will Bella be for Halloween? 

To be honest, I don’t have the heart to make Bella wear a Halloween costume when she’s already stuck in a cone.  (She’s not a huge fan of being dressed up even when she’s in a good mood.)

However, the new cone appears to have a silver lining… literally.  This weekend, we discovered that the cone has some reflective qualities.  As a result, photos taken with a flash end up like this:

Have you guessed it yet?   Keep reading…

She’s going as a flashlight!

Poor Coney Island.  The insults never stop coming… I even got some of this snazzy flashlight action on video:

What’s your pet’s Halloween costume this year?

UPDATE: I just got a call from the vet – Bella’s lump was benign!  Yay!

UPDATE 2: It’s a Halloween Parade Blog Hop from afFURmation


Eat pumpkins, not brains (or… how to survive a zombie attack)

This week, I can really use some smiles… thank goodness No Frown Friday is here when I need it most!  I also have an important zombie survival tip to share with you.  But first, a few things to send you into the weekend with a giggle or two:


  1. Your punny pet name: Tyribone Lannister.  (Confused?  See #2 below.)
  2. This might be the best PSA about spay/neuter ever… especially if you’re a nerd and into Game of Thrones like I am. (I’ll be adding this to the long list of puns I wish I’d come up with.)
  3. Bet you can’t top this senior portrait.
  4. So, I’ve told you how this blog got its name.  With that in mind, I’m sure you will understand why I giggled – a lot – about these posts from Smart Dog and Doggie Stylish.
  5. New post on the cupcake blog!  You’re welcome.
  6. With Halloween just around the corner, it seems that cute costumes are everywhere.  I couldn’t stop laughing at this gallery of 50 dogs in Star Wars costumes.
  7. Speaking of awesome costumes… it’s Ch-Ch-Chia Dog!
  8. This one has no real connection to anything else on the list… but it’s my blog so I can take some liberties right?  It’s a cheese grater that looks like a hedgehog!

Apparently I’m all about the pugs this week.  I found this video somewhat hypnotic (though not quite as hypnotic as those running geese):

(via Paw Nation)

I don’t know what you saw, but I’m pretty sure I just learned how to survive a zombie attack – always sit on a kitchen rug so that the zombies can’t quite reach you.  If only someone had shared this info with the cast of The Walking Dead.

Anyway… what are you up to this weekend?  I’m going to a corn maze/pumpkin patch with friends, and then we’re heading back to my house for a pumpkin carving party.  For Bella, that means extra people to pet her and give her love.  I don’t think she’ll mind that at all.

As for the pumpkins?  She isn’t all that interested.  However, some animals love to eat pumpkins – how does your pet feel about them?



Trick or treat

Until this year, we lived in an apartment – thus, Bella had very little exposure to children seeking candy on Halloween.  After the first trick or treater came by tonight, Bella decided to camp out by the door in case more showed up:

We’ve turned off the doorbell (which makes her a bit batty) and sent her to hang out downstairs with Mr. Pup Fan while I man the door. After carefully evaluating our candy selection (respecting the candy hierarchy), I’m ready to hand out treats.  Wonder what kind of costumes we’ll see tonight…

Anyway, thought I’d share a few quick photos of some of our decorations… the last one is my favorite.


Happy Halloween!

Happy Howl-o-ween!

Dog eat Doug
(From Dog eat Doug – want more? Two more great Halloween strips here and here.)
Trick or treat!  It’s a Halloween-themed No Frown Friday, just for you:
  1. We begin, as always, with punny pet names: Ichabark Crane and The Great Pupkin.
  2. Speaking of names, this dog’s name is Boo, and he’s adorable.  Perfect for Halloween weekend, right?
  3. You must check out this collection of awesome canine costumes from the Annual Tompkins Square Park Halloween Dog Parade in New York.  Trust me.  (If that doesn’t satisfy your costume needs, check out the entrants in FIDO Friendly’s costume contest and then find out what Winston the cat is wearing this year.)
  4. Do you have a jack-o-lantern this year?  You could make one of these ambitious fantasy pumpkins.  Or perhaps you can create a tribute to your favorite dog breed using one of these stencils.  (If you’re not feeling up to pumpkin carving, you could always pick up one of these cakes.  Or maybe not…)
  5. Stuck with a cone of shame this holiday season?  Follow the example of Noodles the Pug and make it into an awesome Halloween costume.

Whatever your plans for the weekend, I hope it’s a wonderful one.  If nothing else, I plan to schedule a showing of my two favorite Halloween specials –It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown and Garfield in Disguise (though I think it’s now called Garfield’s Halloween Adventure).  It’s an annual tradition. I even have the book version of the Garfield special (in addition to tons of other Garfield books… was something of a childhood obsession).

With that in mind, I want to share this inspired video combining scenes from the Garfield special with the theme from Halloween:

That music can make anything scary.

Have a fantastic Halloween (and remember to keep your pets safe)!
