This is how we moo it

As I try to get back into the blogging groove, I thought I’d try to resurrect the Friday linkage as well. I didn’t have the motivation to come up with a theme today, so you’re getting a hodgepodge. Let’s get to it.


  1. First up, your punny pet names: Chick Vitale, Hendy Kaling, and Mooey Deschanel. (Okay, the last one is really more of a punny cow name… and the middle one also has a farm association. Bear with me – I’m easing back in here.)
  2. A Pun-Off? I can’t believe I didn’t know about this before.
  3. Seriously, give me all the puns.
  4. If I ever get written up at work, I hope that it’s for this reason and this reason alone. I now have something to aspire too.
  5. Listen, this blog is not just fun – it’s educational. Please allow these twenty adorable animals to teach you the facts about Ebola.
  6. This blog is literary too. We tackle the great authors, after all.

Finally, I give you today’s video:

It was the glasses. I couldn’t resist.

In case you missed it, here’s what we were up to on the blog this week:

Have a great weekend, friends!


The legend of Puppy Stampede

Once upon a time*, a blogger in need of a break took a trip to Las Vegas with her bestie.  These two intrepid friends made the arduous** journey to the desert in order to meet some musical royalty. As they navigated the byzantine maze that was their hotel, the blogger spotted a slot machine with an intriguing title:

Puppy Stampede via

You can’t make this stuff up.

Puppy. Freaking. Stampede.  Continue reading


Back to drool…

Have you always lived with an animal? College was the only chapter of my life when I didn’t live with a pet. (There was a brief period when I had fish, but it’s safe to say that I was not meant to be a fish parent.) Dogs and cats weren’t allowed in campus housing – and, truthfully, irresponsible college students aren’t in the best position to take care of living beings anyway.

However, we did occasionally watch Molly, a Basset Hound that belonged to the parents of one of my roommates.  We’d sneak her in for a few days here and there. She brought some much-needed fur and slobber to our on-campus apartment.

As soon as I graduated and got a place of my own, I started thinking about adopting a pet. A few months after graduation, Bella moved in… and the rest is history.

College was on my mind today after I watched the video below.  (Also, the puppies kind of remind me of Bella – especially the one with only a single ear in the air.)  If only there had been regular puppy stampedes* at my alma mater…

*I have more to say about puppy stampedes. Check back on Thursday…


Tell me about your first pet…

Do you remember when you first fell in love with animals? I was thinking about this today, but I couldn’t identify a specific moment. I just know that I always really loved animals. I loved playing with the dogs and cats at other people’s houses.

Despite the name of this blog, my first pet was actually a cat. I was around three years old, and I fell in love with a white kitten. I named her Buttercup, and she was all mine.

Buttercup via

Thinking about the next scratch…

Frankly, she was kind of a jerk sometimes. Every night, she would hop up on my bed and demand to be petted. When she’d had enough, she would scratch me and then run away. It was our nightly routine for years. However, she eventually outgrew that behavior… with one exception. Until she left us, Buttercup would resurrect the old pet n’ bite routine every time my cousin J would come to visit.

That being said, Buttercup was my jerk, and I loved her dearly.  She provided endless entertainment – whether she was bringing a live bat into the house or going completely limp the one time we tried to put a harness on her. (Seriously, she froze in place and didn’t get up until we took it off of her.)  She was part Siamese and would occasionally favor us with the song (the yowl?) of her people.  I adored her in all of her quirky glory. I miss her (and having a feline in my life).

So, tell me… who was your first pet?


The State of the Blog Address

NaBloPoMo August 2014

My fellow Blogarians,

As you may have noticed, posts have been pretty sparse around these parts for the past few months. April and May were busy months for me – I went on a real vacation (to the Bahamas) for the first time in ages, went to New York twice, and then went to Vegas for a quick weekend. During the same time period, I was preparing to transition to a new job (which I started in June).

In May, we also had to say goodbye to our beloved Bella. Although the past few months have been busy and full of changes, it’s this last event that had the most impact. Most days, I didn’t even think about blogging. When I did occasionally log into the blog, I’d find myself staring at a blank screen.

I did begin to wonder if and when I’d find the motivation to start this whole thing up again. Then, a friend posted about the August edition of NaBloPoMo – basically, you sign up and commit to post daily for the month. I wasn’t sure if I should do it, but then I read the theme for the month.

It’s all about memories.

Kind of perfect, right? I’ve been a bit consumed by memories lately, after all. I’m hoping that signing up for NaBloPoMo will serve two purposes: (1) to help me get my blogging groove back and (2) to help me move forward while I’m looking back.

I realize that I started yesterday off with a somber post, but I promise it won’t be all doom and gloom over here. Perhaps I’ll even recapture some of my whimsy and manage to make it rain on your face from laughter as opposed to sadness. No Frown Friday might even return from its long vacation. We’ll see how it goes.

Stay tuned…


20 ways to miss your Rover

… or, in this case, your Bella.

I was thinking recently about all of the things – both little and not-so-little – that have changed around here since we lost Bella in May. Sometimes it seems like I’m surrounded by a thousand tiny reminders on any given day.

Loosely inspired by this song, here are twenty (out of countless) ways I miss my Bella:

  1. Every morning, I wake up to the sight of an empty dog bed. I can’t quite bring myself to move it.
  2. I haven’t moved her food dish either.
  3. My morning routine has changed. I’d gotten used to spending at least thirty minutes cajoling Bella into eating her breakfast.
  4. There’s no one in the blanket cave that Bella liked to hide in.
  5. In fact, I washed the blanket in question and put it in the linen closet.
  6. The nights are different too. It’s quiet without her nightly cave to bed migration.
  7. I miss her snoring. It was loud, yet so comforting.
  8. It’s weird to walk by the front door and not see her watching the world go by.
  9. Tavish has been spending less time staring through those windows as well.
  10. Every time I vacuum, I feel a little sad. With each pass, I’m removing more Bella hair that will never be replenished.
  11. For that reason, I didn’t even try to vacuum for the first month.
  12. When I finally did vacuum, I couldn’t stop thinking about the time(s) Bella left a toy in front of the vacuum as her own form of protest. We (perhaps inappropriately) called it her Tiananmen Square move.
  13. My stairs are curiously clear of furry obstacles.
  14. I miss helping Bella go up and down the stairs.
  15. My kitchen seems empty too. I keep avoiding Bellas that are no longer camped out waiting for food to fall from the sky.
  16. I’m falling out of practice with regard to all of those hand signals.
  17. Tavish seems to spend a lot more time licking the humans in the house.
  18. Sometimes I wonder if that’s because his usual kissing target isn’t available now.
  19. Working in the yard is weird too. She always loved to supervise (aka nap in the flower beds) while we puttered around.
  20. I really, really, really miss my Bella hugs.
Beautiful Bella via

How I miss that sweet and silly face…
