Dog math: When 1 + 1 = 3

Now, before you get any bright ideas, I want to clear something up. Although the title suggests that two dogs decided to create a puppy, you’ll find no titillating tales of canine copulation in this post.

Anyway, if you saw Friday’s post, you might have an inkling as to what’s going on. If you follow our adventures on Facebook or Twitter, you’ve certainly figured it out by now. (If you’re not our friend on Facebook, why not? Head on over there.) In any event, I wish I had been able to update you here sooner, but I’ve been… otherwise occupied. Let me tell you how I got that way… Continue reading


Go crazy? Don’t mind if I do…

Please stand by… we’re experiencing technical difficulties due to the crazy storms on Friday night. You can’t ask for more fun than a power outage in a massive heat wave.

That's the night that the lights went out (not) in Georgia...

No electricity and no air conditioning make Bella (and me) go something, something…

This brief update has been brought to you courtesy of a local Starbucks that has free WiFi but no ice. (Oh, that’s right… we have an ice shortage here too. What’s next?) Not sure when we’ll be able to return to regular posting…

UPDATE: We finally got power back on Sunday night. Bella has her paws crossed that it stays on. She’ll keep them crossed that yours is on too.


Play in the pool, not the drool

Hot. So hot. (As you can see, the heat temporarily rendered me unable to produce normal sentences. I’ll attempt to remedy that.) To the links!

  1. Up first, your punny pet names: Michael Whelps and Catalie Coughlin.
  2. Before we get into the linkage, I just wanted to remind you that you have until July 4th to help pair service dogs with military veterans in need. It just takes one click!
  3. Is it hot where you are too? If so, how do you plan to cool off this weekend? These two dogs have some good ideas.
  4. Or maybe you otter try this method instead. (The face he makes in that video is the same one I make every morning. True story.)
  5. Want to go out? Get cleaned up and make sure to rock some stylish summer threads. Take a walk and then try some of these pickup lines.
  6. You could also take in a baseball game or go to a concert. (I’d probably skip the vet though, if possible.)

It’s always a good idea to hit the pool. No, not that kind of pool. This kindOr, you know, you could just do this…

Whatever you do this weekend, remember that a dog in a hot car is a bad idea. Here’s how you can help fight the stupidity.


Greatest hits from May

I’m almost a month  behind with this monthly roundup… oops! Life has been getting the better of me lately, as you can probably tell. I’ve not been able to get around to as many blogs as I’d like, so here’s hoping I can catch up soon and get the June monthly roundup to you before September.

Anyway, on to the posts! Continue reading


Hairy Garfield & the Half-Belated Birthday Doodle

Today’s topic is artistic ability. I have a little – occasionally, I can render a pretty good drawing, although I never quite mastered perspective and scale. I’m by no means an artist, so today we’re actually talking about doodles: what you doodle, when you doodle, how you doodle. (That word gets more fun each time I say it… doodle, doodle, doodle. How do any of you with a Labradoodle or other -doodle dog get anything done? I’d just repeat that to myself all the time.)

Why doodles, you might ask? Well, I’m a habitual doodler, but not terribly creative. Those that have ever sat next to me in a meeting, taken a class with me, or known me for years are aware that I have a doodle of choice. It’s appeared in countless notebooks and textbooks over the years.

Yesterday happened to be the birthday of my favorite doodle inspiration, so I thought I’d honor this esteemed personage with a belated birthday doodle…

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We’ll all look back and think about our friends…

Today, I’m feeling a bit nostalgic. For what, you might ask?

(Actually, it’s more likely that you’re thinking, “Geez. This chick is always nostalgic. I bet she’ll work in a reference to 90210 or some other random show that went off the air decades ago. You know, like Models Inc.Paradise Hotel, or some long-ago season of the Real World/Road Rules Challenge. Does her TV block channels with decent programming?”  Well, imaginary voice in my head – you are so wrong. Oh wait… I guess you were right. Plus, there’s that Saved by the Bell reference in the post title. Speaking of, somehow throughout the process of adding links to my senseless ramblings, I found this blog, and then lost a great amount of time that I am now unable to account for. I have issues.)

(Seriously though, no other Models, Inc. fans out there? Also, I have to confess – my prior shameful addiction to Paradise Hotel has developed into a current shameful addiction to Love in the Wild. Apparently, I have not been cured.)

Moving on… despite that scary glimpse at my internal monologue, this post is not about my questionable viewing habits. Rather, it’s about blogging conferences. I got a little spoiled last year when I attended my first pet blogging conference in my own backyard. (Not literally in my backyard… but a short distance from my home. How weird would it be if I just held a blogging conference in my backyard?)

Continue reading
