Hot. So hot. (As you can see, the heat temporarily rendered me unable to produce normal sentences. I’ll attempt to remedy that.) To the links!
- Up first, your punny pet names: Michael Whelps and Catalie Coughlin.
- Before we get into the linkage, I just wanted to remind you that you have until July 4th to help pair service dogs with military veterans in need. It just takes one click!
- Is it hot where you are too? If so, how do you plan to cool off this weekend? These two dogs have some good ideas.
- Or maybe you otter try this method instead. (The face he makes in that video is the same one I make every morning. True story.)
- Want to go out? Get cleaned up and make sure to rock some stylish summer threads. Take a walk and then try some of these pickup lines.
- You could also take in a baseball game or go to a concert. (I’d probably skip the vet though, if possible.)
It’s always a good idea to hit the pool. No, not that kind of pool. This kind. Or, you know, you could just do this…
Whatever you do this weekend, remember that a dog in a hot car is a bad idea. Here’s how you can help fight the stupidity.